2 回答
通常不需要每周进行一次 D&L,因为服务器引擎在管理数据方面做得不错。只有在明显担心性能、更改版本或对数据范围进行重大组织更改时,才应进行 D&L。
话虽如此,二进制 D&L 通常是最快的,特别是如果您可以使其成为多线程。
Ok, dumping and loading to cross platforms to build a training system is probably a legitimate use-case. (If it were Linux to Linux you could just backup and restore -- you may be able to do that Linux to UNIX if the byte ordering is the same...)
The binary format is portable across platforms and versions of Progress. You can binary dump a Progress version 8 HPUX database and load it into a Windows OpenEdge 11 db if you'd like.
To do a binary dump use:
proutil dbname -C dump tablename
That will create tablename.bd. You can then load that table with:
proutil dbname -C load tablename
Once all of the data has been loaded you need to remember to rebuild the indexes:
proutil dbname -C idxbuild all
You can run many simultaneous proutil commands. There is no need to go one table at a time. You just need to have the db up and running in multi-user mode. Take a look at this for a longer explanation: http://www.greenfieldtech.com/downloads/files/DB-20_Bascom%20D+L.ppt
It is helpful to split your database up into multiple storage areas (and they should be type 2 areas) for best results. Check out: http://dbappraise.com/ppt/sos.pptx for some ideas on that.
There are a lot of tuning options available for binary dump & load. Details depend on what version of Progress you are running. Many of them probably aren't really useful anyway but you should look at the presentations above and the documentation and ask questions.