Would anyone happen to know if it's possible to set a namespace on a user-defined stdClass object.

What I would like to do is to return all the private properties of a class as an object in the form of a getter method.

I found one possible solution where I could do something like this;

public function getDataItems() {
  $dataObj = new stdClass;
  $dataObj->image_id   = $this->image_id;
  $dataObj->image_name = $this->image_name;
  $dataObj->name       = $this->name;
  $dataObj->email      = $this->email;
  $dataObj->company    = $this->company;

  return $dataObj;

The only problem I have though is that the class that this function lives in is using a namespace and therefore I need to somehow assign the same namespace to this $dataObj object.

Does anyone know how I can do this or if it's even possible?


1 回答 1


maybe you want to do this the other way round and make the namespace of the stdClass-Object explicit? This could be done by either

use \stdClass


$dataObj = new \stdClass();

btw. - no, it is not possible to change the namespace of a class once it was defined.

You might want to check up on the ReflectionProperty built-in class if you need to access values form a private field of another class (see http://php.net/manual/en/reflectionproperty.getvalue.php).

于 2012-02-02T14:31:50.880 回答