I know this is an ancient post...but I just recently got nailed during an interview on this one. So, here is my 'new & improved' answer:
var AnagramStringMiningExample = function () {
/* Author: Dennis Baughn
* This has also been posted at:
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/909449/anagrams-finder-in-javascript/5642437#5642437
* Free, private members of the closure and anonymous, innner function
* We will be building a hashtable for anagrams found, with the key
* being the alphabetical char sort (see sortCharArray())
* that the anagrams all have in common.
var dHash = {};
var sortCharArray = function(word) {
return word.split("").sort().join("");
/* End free, private members for the closure and anonymous, innner function */
/* This goes through the dictionary entries.
* finds the anagrams (if any) for each word,
* and then populates them in the hashtable.
* Everything strictly local gets de-allocated
* so as not to pollute the closure with 'junk DNA'.
(function() {
/* 'dictionary' referring to English dictionary entries. For a real
* English language dictionary, we could be looking at 20,000+ words, so
* an array instead of a string would be needed.
var dictionaryEntries = "buddy,pan,nap,toot,toto,anestri,asterin,eranist,nastier,ratines,resiant,restain,retains,retinas,retsina,sainter,stainer,starnie,stearin";
/* This could probably be refactored better.
* It creates the actual hashtable entries. */
var populateDictionaryHash = function(keyword, newWord) {
var anagrams = dHash[keyword];
if (anagrams && anagrams.indexOf(newWord) < 0)
dHash[keyword] = (anagrams+','+newWord);
else dHash[keyword] = newWord;
var words = dictionaryEntries.split(",");
/* Old School answer, brute force
for (var i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var firstWord = words[i];
var sortedFirst = sortCharArray(firstWord);
for (var k = words.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
var secondWord = words[k];
if (i === k) continue;
var sortedSecond = sortCharArray(secondWord);
if (sortedFirst === sortedSecond)
populateDictionaryHash(sortedFirst, secondWord);
/*Better Method for JS, using JS Array.reduce(callback) with scope binding on callback function */
words.reduce(function (prev, cur, index, array) {
var sortedFirst = this.sortCharArray(prev);
var sortedSecond = this.sortCharArray(cur);
if (sortedFirst === sortedSecond) {
var anagrams = this.dHash[sortedFirst];
if (anagrams && anagrams.indexOf(cur) < 0)
this.dHash[sortedFirst] = (anagrams + ',' + cur);
this.dHash[sortedFirst] = prev + ','+ cur;
return cur;
/* return in a nice, tightly-scoped closure the actual function
* to search for any anagrams for searchword provided in args and render results.
return function(searchWord) {
var keyToSearch = sortCharArray(searchWord);
if (dHash.hasOwnProperty(keyToSearch)) {
var anagrams = dHash[keyToSearch];
document.writeln(searchWord + ' is part of a collection of '+anagrams.split(',').length+' anagrams: ' + anagrams+'.');
} else document.writeln(searchWord + ' does not have anagrams.');
Here is how it executes:
var checkForAnagrams = new AnagramStringMiningExample();
Here is the output of the above:
toot is part of a collection of 2
anagrams: toto,toot.
pan is part of a collection of 2
anagrams: nap,pan.
retinas is part of a collection of 14
buddy does not have anagrams.