我正在对 Netbeans IDE 进行一些研究。我的意思是,当 Netbeans 已经内置错误检测系统时,为什么还要使用 ActionPMD 和 FindBugs 插件呢?差别真的那么大吗?


1 回答 1


FindBugs and ActionPMD "dig deeper". Without them, Netbeans can easily find issues like a local variable that is written to but never read. FindBugs will go a step further, and find streams that have not been closed ext..Some of the rules also include tests for "best practices" and possible security issues.

Just to clarify on the comment above: FindBugs and ActionPMB are both static analysis tools. In my experience, FindBugs is useful for finding subtle flaws and performance issue.

于 2012-01-31T17:38:37.363 回答