private static String normalize(String input) {
//Final string is held here
StringBuilder markerString = new StringBuilder(input);
//Look for the occurrences of startLoop-endLoop structures across lines
Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("(startLoop.+?\\endLoop)+?",Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(markerString.toString());
/* startLoop-endLoop structure found
* Make sure length of StringBuilder remains same
//group will now contain the matched subsequence of the full string
StringBuilder group = new StringBuilder(m1.group());
/* Look for occurrences of startLoop within the matched group
* and maintain a counter for the no of occurrences
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("(startLoop)+?",Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(group.toString());
int loopCounter = 0;
/* this takes care of the sequential loops scenario as well as matched group
* in nested loop scenario
markerString.replace(m1.start(), m1.end(), m1.group().
replaceAll("setSomething", "setThisthing"));
/* For the no of times that startLoop occurred in the matched group,
* do the following
* 1. Find the next index of endLoop after the matched group's end in the full string
* 2. Read the subsequence between matched group's end and endIndex
* 3. Replace all setSomething with setThisthing in the subsequence
* 4. Replace subsequence in markerString
* 5. Decrement forCounter
int previousEndIndex = m1.end();
int currentEndIndex = -1;
currentEndIndex = markerString.indexOf("endLoop",previousEndIndex);
String replacerString = markerString.substring(previousEndIndex,currentEndIndex);
replacerString = replacerString.replaceAll("setSomething", "setThisThing");
markerString.replace(previousEndIndex, currentEndIndex, replacerString);
previousEndIndex = currentEndIndex+7;
input = markerString.toString();