1)我正在使用Math.random作为一副牌,起初它似乎工作得很好......但是在第二次命中之后,很明显之前的卡值被当前的卡值替换了。如果你画了一个 3,5,9...数组将读取 9,9,9 而不是 3,5,9。
2) Eclipse 指出变量 user_total(在方法 user_hand 中)和 Dealer_total(在方法 dealer_hand 中)不能返回给 main,因为它们“不能解析为变量”。我不明白为什么,据我所知,它们是正常的int。
抱歉,如果它的格式很奇怪,stackoverflow 正在抱怨一些事情......这是我的代码:
public class blackJack
final static int DEALER_STAND_THRSH = 17;
final static int MAX_CARD_VALUE = 10;
static Random randomNumbers = new Random();
public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
BufferedReader in;
in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
int number_of_hits=0;
boolean still_playing=true;
while (still_playing)
//tracks number of hits----------------------------------
number_of_hits ++;
System.out.println("this is draw : " + number_of_hits);
System.out.println(" ");
// gets users
int user_total=user_hand(number_of_hits);
//get dealers card----------------------------------------
int dealer_total=dealer_hand(number_of_hits);
//ask user if they'd like to hit or stand
System.out.println("\nwould you like to hit or stand?\nenter:H to hit\nenter:S to stand");
char hit_or_stand=in.readLine().charAt(0);
char hit_or_stand_case = Character.toLowerCase(hit_or_stand);
if (hit_or_stand_case=='s')
//compare cards
who_wins(user_total,dealer_total );
// continue game prompt --------------------------------
System.out.println("are you still playing? enter 1 for yes. 2 for no.");
int still_playing_response = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
}//while end
}//main end
public static int generate_a_card()
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int card=randomNumbers.nextInt(MAX_CARD_VALUE) +1 ;
return card;
public static int user_hand(int number_of_hits)
int user_card=generate_a_card();
System.out.println( "you drew: " + user_card );
int user_current_hand [] = new int [number_of_hits];
for (int i=0; i<user_current_hand.length; i++)
user_current_hand [i]= user_card;
System.out.println( user_card + " has been stored in index " + i + " of user_current_hand array");
int user_total=0;
for(int j=0; j<user_current_hand.length; j++)
user_total+= user_current_hand[i];
if (user_total>21)
System.out.println("you have exeeded 21, you lose!");
}//if end
}//nested for loop
}//first for loop
return user_total;
}//end user_hand method
public static int dealer_hand(int number_of_hits )
System.out.println("now for the dealers draw");
System.out.println(" ");
int dealer_card=generate_a_card();
System.out.println( "the dealer drew: " + dealer_card);
int dealer_current_hand [] = new int [number_of_hits];
for (int i=0; i<dealer_current_hand.length; i++)
dealer_current_hand [i]= dealer_card;
System.out.println( dealer_card + " has been stored in index " + i + " dealer_current_hand array");
int dealer_total=0;
for(int j=0; j<dealer_current_hand.length; j++)
dealer_total+= dealer_current_hand[i];
if (dealer_total>21)
System.out.println("the dealer has exeeded 21, you win!");
}//if end
}//nested for loop
}//first for loop
return dealer_total;
}//end main
public static void who_wins(int user_total, int dealer_total )
if(user_total > dealer_total)
System.out.println("congradulations, you won!\nYour score: " + user_total + "\ncomputer's score: " + dealer_total);
else if(user_total < dealer_total)
System.out.println("Sorry, you lost.\nYour score: " + user_total + "\ncomputer's score: " + dealer_total);
System.out.println("this round was a tie!\nYour score: " + user_total + "\ncomputer's score: " + dealer_total);