
是否可以将用于错误/功能的 sourceforge 跟踪系统与 Mylyn 集成?




3 回答 3


是的,随着 SourceForge 使用 Allura,您突出显示的页面上的配置已过时。

我在http://officefloor.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/allura-sourceforge-mylyn-connector/上发布了有关让 Web 模板连接器为 Allura 工作的详细信息

于 2012-12-11T11:41:53.380 回答

通用连接器现在位于 Mylyn 孵化器中。使用此下载站点: http: //download.eclipse.org/mylyn/incubator/3.7 (适用于 Eclipse 3.6、3.7、3.8)

于 2012-02-01T03:34:02.667 回答

Since I wasn't able to get it running – maybe it's because of Eclipse Luna or something else – I slightly modified Daniel's method which partially uses the REST interface:

Basic Configuration

  1. Add the following parameters and appropriate values to the table unter Additional Settings section in the Properties for Task Repository dialog:
    • project – your so-called UNIX name of the project
    • tickets – the ticketing application, e.g. bugs or features
    • bearer_token – you need to set-up a bearer token as described in the Allura documentation
  2. under Advanced Configuration, use:
    • Task URL: ${serverUrl}/p/${project}/${tickets}/ (the same as in Daniel's method)
    • New Task URL: ${serverUrl}/p/${project}/${tickets}/new (the same as in Daniel's method)
    • Query Request URL: ${serverUrl}/rest/p/${project}/${tickets}?access_token=${bearer_token}
    • Query Pattern: \{"summary":\s*"({Description}.+?)",\s*"ticket_num":\s*({Id}.+?)\}

Milestone query

To query tasks by milestones, use the following parameters in your Edit Query configuration:

  • add a parameter milestone with e.g. M1 to the parameter table
  • use the following Query URL: ${serverUrl}/rest/p/${project}/${tickets}/search?q=_milestone%3A${milestone}&access_token=${bearer_token}
于 2014-09-11T08:02:52.370 回答