我正在调用 Windows 的事件跟踪StartTrace功能:

StartTrace(sessionHandle, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME, sessionProperties);

它失败,错误代码为 87 ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)。MSDN 给出了导致此错误的一些常见原因:

  • 属性NULL
  • 会话句柄NULL
  • PropertiesLogFileNameOffset成员无效。
  • PropertiesLoggerNameOffset成员无效。
  • PropertiesLogFileMode成员指定了无效的标志组合。
  • Wnode.Guid成员是SystemTraceControlGuid,但SessionName参数不是KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME


procedure StartKernelLogging;
    sessionProperties: PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES;
    bufferSize: Int64;
    loggerName: AnsiString;
    logFilePath: AnsiString;
    hr: Cardinal;
        Allocate memory for the session properties. The memory must
        be large enough to include the log file name and session name,
        which get appended to the end of the session properties structure.
    loggerName := KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME;
    logFilePath := 'C:\Users\Ian\foo.etl';

    bufferSize := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)
            + Length(loggerName)+1
            + Length(logFilePath)+1;

    sessionProperties := AllocMem(bufferSize);

    ZeroMemory(sessionProperties, bufferSize);

    sessionProperties.Wnode.BufferSize := bufferSize;
    sessionProperties.Wnode.Flags := WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID;
    sessionProperties.Wnode.ClientContext := 1; //QPC clock resolution
    sessionProperties.Wnode.Guid := SystemTraceControlGuid;
    sessionProperties.EnableFlags := EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP;
    sessionProperties.LogFileMode := EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_CIRCULAR;
    sessionProperties.MaximumFileSize := 5;  // 5 MB
    sessionProperties.LoggerNameOffset := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES);
    sessionProperties.LogFileNameOffset := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) + Length(loggerName)+1;

    //Copy LoggerName to the offset address
    MoveMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(sessionProperties)+Cardinal(sessionProperties.LoggerNameOffset)), PAnsiChar(loggerName), Length(loggerName)+1);

    //Copy LogFilePath to the offset address
    MoveMemory(Pointer(Cardinal(sessionProperties)+Cardinal(sessionProperties.LogFileNameOffset)), PAnsiChar(logFilePath), Length(logFilePath)+1);

    th := 0;
    hr := EventTrace.StartTrace({var}th, PChar(loggerName), sessionProperties);
    if (hr <> ERROR_SUCCESS) then
        raise EWin32Error.Create(SysErrorMessage(hr));


     TraceHandle: 0x18F56C
     InstanceName: 0x44E840
     Properties: 0x243BD8);

其中TraceHandle指向一个 64 位整数:

0018F56C: 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00

并且InstanceName是一个指向以 null 结尾的 ansi 字符串的指针:

0044E840: 4E 54 20 4B  65 72 6E 65  NT Kerne
0044E848: 6C 20 4C 6F  67 67 65 72  l Logger
0044E850: 00


002A3BD8: 0000009A (154 bytes)


properties.LoggerNameOffset = 116  (i.e. $243BB8 + 116 = $243C4C)
properties.LogFileNameOffset = 133 (i.e. $243BD8 + 133 = $243C5D)

其中还包含有效的以 null 结尾的 ansi 字符串,它们应该:

“NT 内核记录器”:

$243C4C  4B20544E 656E7265  NT Kerne
$243C54  6F4C206C 72656767  l Logger
$243C5C  xxxxxx00           .


$243C5C  5C3A43xx 72657355  .C:\User
$243C64  61495C73 6F665C6E  s\Ian\fo
$243C6C  74652E6F xxxx006C  o.etc.





9A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
AD 4A 81 9E 04 32 D2 11
9A 82 00 60 08 A8 69 39
01 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00
02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 85 00 00 00
74 00 00 00 


000| Wnode.BufferSize:          9A 00 00 00 (154)
004| Wnode.ProviderID:          00 00 00 00
008| Wnode.Version:             00 00 00 00
012| Wnode.Linkage:             00 00 00 00
016| Wnode.Timestamp:           00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
024| Wnode.Guid:                AD 4A 81 9E 04 32 D2 11 9A 82 00 60 08 A8 69 39 (SystemTraceControlGuid)
040| Wnode.ClientContext:       01 00 00 00 (1)
044| Wnode.Flags:               00 00 02 00 (WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID)
048| BufferSize:          00 00 00 00 
052| MinimumBuffers:      00 00 00 00
056| MaximumBuffers:      00 00 00 00 
060| MaximumFileSize:     05 00 00 00 (5 MB)
064| LogFileMode:         02 00 00 00 (EVENT_TRACE_FILE_MODE_CIRCULAR)
068| FlushTimer:          00 00 00 00
072| EnableFlags:         00 00 01 00 (EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP)
076| AgeLimit:            00 00 00 00
080| NumberOfBuffers:     00 00 00 00 
084| FreeBuffers:         00 00 00 00
088| EventsLost:          00 00 00 00 
092| BuffersWritten:      00 00 00 00
096| LogBuffersLost:      00 00 00 00 
100| RealTimeBuffersLost: 00 00 00 00
104| LoggerThreadId:      00 00 00 00 
108| LogFileNameOffset:   85 00 00 00 (133)
112| LoggerNameOffset:    74 00 00 00 (116)
116| NT Kernel Logger\0
133| C:\Users\Ian\foo.etl\0



   Wnode : WNODE_HEADER;

   // data provided by caller
   BufferSize : Longword;              // buffer size for logging (kbytes)
   MinimumBuffers : Longword;          // minimum to preallocate
   MaximumBuffers : Longword;          // maximum buffers allowed
   MaximumFileSize : Longword;         // maximum logfile size (in MBytes)
   LogFileMode : Longword;             // sequential, circular
   FlushTimer : Longword;              // buffer flush timer, in seconds
   EnableFlags :Longword;              // trace enable flags
   AgeLimit : Longint;                // age decay time, in minutes

   // data returned to caller
   NumberOfBuffers : Longword;         // no of buffers in use
   FreeBuffers : Longword;             // no of buffers free
   EventsLost : Longword;              // event records lost
   BuffersWritten : Longword;          // no of buffers written to file
   LogBuffersLost : Longword;          // no of logfile write failures
   RealTimeBuffersLost : Longword;     // no of rt delivery failures
   LoggerThreadId : HANDLE;            // thread id of Logger
   LogFileNameOffset : Longword;        // Offset to LogFileName
   LoggerNameOffset : Longword;         // Offset to LoggerName


WNODE_HEADER = packed record
   BufferSize : Longword;
   ProviderId : Longword;
   Version : Longword;
   Linkage : Longword;
   TimeStamp : Int64;
   Guid : TGUID;
   ClientContext : Longword;
   Flags : Longword;

2 回答 2


Oh i see what the comments from Luke's comments are saying.

It's not that the structure is misaligned is any way. The content after the structure must be 8-byte aligned. In other words:

000| Wnode.BufferSize:          9A 00 00 00 (154)
004| Wnode.ProviderID:          00 00 00 00
108| LogFileNameOffset:   85 00 00 00 (133)
112| LoggerNameOffset:    74 00 00 00 (116)
116| 00 00 00 00 (4 bytes padding)
120| NT Kernel Logger\0
136| 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (7 bytes padding)
144| C:\Users\Ian\foo.etl\0

Looks like data needs to be aligned on 8-byte boundries in Windows (7 (Professional (64-bit)))

To help the padding, i wrote a Pad function, which rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of 8:

function Pad(length: Cardinal): Cardinal;
    m: Integer;
    DataAlignment = 8; //align data on 8-byte boundaries
    Result := length;

    m := length mod DataAlignment;
    if (m > 0) then
        Result := result + DataAlignment-m;

Then i changed some of the code from the original question to use it.

  • calculate the total buffserSize required:

    loggerName := KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME;
    logFilePath := 'C:\Users\Ian\foo.etl';
    bufferSize := sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)
            + Pad(Length(loggerName)+1)
            + Pad(Length(logFilePath)+1);
  • then i need to push my offsets on an 8-byte boundary:

    sessionProperties.LoggerNameOffset := Pad(sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES));
    sessionProperties.LogFileNameOffset := Pad(sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)) + Pad(Length(loggerName)+1);
  • and as long as i copy the strings to the offsets declared in the structure i'm fine:

    //Copy LoggerName to the offset address
          PAnsiChar(loggerName), Length(loggerName)+1);
    //Copy LogFilePath to the offset address
          PAnsiChar(logFilePath), Length(logFilePath)+1);

And blingo-blango, it works.

Note: Any code is released into the public domain. No attribution required.

于 2012-01-29T04:36:29.147 回答


hr := EventTrace.StartTrace({var}th, PChar(loggerName), sessionProperties);

hr := EventTrace.StartTrace({var}th, KERNEL_LOGGER_NAME, sessionProperties);

然后错误代码变为 ERROR_BAD_LENGTH (24)。我想我为跟踪 API 使用了一组不同的单位,在我的例子中,StartTrace 想要一个 PWideChar,但 loggerName 是一个 AnsiString。由于我不知道您的 EventTrace 单元是什么样子,因此很难说您是否也是这种情况。无论如何,它不会使 StartTrace() 调用成功。

于 2012-01-29T04:55:16.020 回答