In order to read a new display name of a peer I need to kill and renew the GKSession. Setting it to nil and initiate it anew does not work. In the code below, the NSLog in the for-loop to show the available peers is not called (there's no error message):
-(IBAction) btnRefresh:(id) sender {
self.currentSession = nil;
self.currentSession = [[GKSession alloc] initWithSessionID:@"anything" displayName:name sessionMode:GKSessionModePeer];
self.currentSession.delegate = self;
self.currentSession.available = YES;
self.currentSession.disconnectTimeout = 0;
[self.currentSession setDataReceiveHandler:self withContext:nil];
peerListAvailable = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[currentSession peersWithConnectionState:GKPeerStateAvailable]];
for (NSString *peer in peerListAvailable) {
NSLog(@"found available peer; checking name and ID... %@, %@",[currentSession displayNameForPeer:peer], peer);
What is wrong with setting the currentSession to nil and initiate it anew? Maybe you know of another way to renew a GKSession? Thanks very much in advance.