2 回答
db.test.save({filter: "stuff", count: "1"});
db.test.save({filter: "stuff", count: "3"});
db.test.save({filter: "stuff", count: "2"});
db.test.save({filter: "notstuff", count: "2"});
db.test.save({filter: "notstuff", count: "2"});
db.test.ensureIndex({filter:1, count:1});
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f24353eef88b8b53a20fdf5"), "filter" : "stuff", "count" : "1" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f24353eef88b8b53a20fdf7"), "filter" : "stuff", "count" : "2" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f24353eef88b8b53a20fdf6"), "filter" : "stuff", "count" : "3" }
哪个使用 btree:
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor filter_1_count_1",
"nscanned" : 3,
"nscannedObjects" : 3,
更新我写了这个基准来显示在索引上排序和不排序和更新索引上的计数字段之间的区别,而不是。完整代码在这里:https ://gist.github.com/1696041
它插入 700K 和 7M 文档(以获得一些多样性),分成 7 个“过滤器”。然后它随机选择一个文档来增加 1M 次的计数。每个过滤器的 1M 文档太大而无法无限制地排序,因此显示该部分如何工作的唯一方法是设置限制。
结论如预期。当有索引时更新计数字段需要更长的时间(在这个测试中几乎是两倍的时间 - 但两倍的时间仍然非常快)。但是查询起来要快得多。你必须决定哪个对你更重要。
输出在这里(在我的带有 SSD 的 macbook pro 上运行):
> bench();
benchmarking with index on {filter,data}, 700K docs
initialInsert of 700000 done in: 58304ms, 0.08329142857142857ms per insert
updateCounts 1000000 times done in: 103915ms, 0.103915ms per update
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_data_1
nscanned: 100000
scanAndOrder: true
millis: 1235
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).limit(100).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_data_1
nscanned: 100000
scanAndOrder: true
millis: 614
benchmarking with index on {filter,data} and {filter, count}, 700k docs
initialInsert of 700000 done in: 72108ms, 0.10301142857142857ms per insert
updateCounts 1000000 times done in: 202778ms, 0.202778ms per update
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_count_-1
nscanned: 100000
scanAndOrder: undefined
millis: 139
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).limit(100).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_count_-1
nscanned: 100
scanAndOrder: undefined
millis: 0
benchmarking with index on {filter,data}, 7M docs
initialInsert of 7000000 done in: 616701ms, 0.08810014285714286ms per insert
updateCounts 1000000 times done in: 134655ms, 0.134655ms per update
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).sort({count:-1}):
***too big to sort without limit!***
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).limit(100).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_data_1
nscanned: 1000000
scanAndOrder: true
millis: 6396
benchmarking with index on {filter,data} and {filter, count}, 7M docs
initialInsert of 7000000 done in: 891556ms, 0.12736514285714284ms per insert
updateCounts 1000000 times done in: 280885ms, 0.280885ms per update
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_count_-1
nscanned: 1000000
scanAndOrder: undefined
millis: 1337
explain find({filter:"abcd"}).limit(100).sort({count:-1}):
cursor: BtreeCursor filter_1_count_-1
nscanned: 100
scanAndOrder: undefined
millis: 0
奇怪的问题。索引用于高效查询。如果您查询某个字段并且您可能有兴趣创建一个索引。explain() 告诉你执行计划。MongoDB 文档对此进行了深入介绍……那么您为什么要问这样一个非常基本的问题呢?