
正确的 PHP 代码是 user1175332 和 shanethehat 下面提供的两个答案的组合:

正确的 HTML 代码:

<?php session_start() ?>

<form method="post"  action="session7.php" id="form1">
<input type="text" name="book" value="" id="book"/> Book Box

<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submit" name="submit"/>


正确的 PHP 代码:

<?php session_start();
if ($_POST && isset($_POST['book'])) { 
    $_SESSION['book'] = $_POST['book']; 


if (isset($_SESSION['book']) && $_SESSION['book'] > 0)

{echo $_SESSION['book'] . ' Book Box(es)';}

else {echo '';}


这适用于隔离的测试环境。不幸的是,它仍然不适用于我正在使用的实际表单,可能是因为它包含的 javascript。

----- 原帖 -----

我有一个表格,用户在其中填写不同物品的数量(X 中的 1 个,Y 中的 4 个等)。提交表格后,他将被带到下一页,其中根据总数显示价格数量/体积(这部分工作感谢 StackOverflow 的人)。

在下一页上,我试图显示已填写的每个项目(即数量大于 0 的每个项目)。例如,如果客户有 1 个 X,4 个 Y,但 0 个 Z,我希望下一页显示:

1 X
4 是



<?php session_start();
    if ($_POST && !empty($_POST['TOTAL'])) {
        $_SESSION['TOTAL'] = $_POST['TOTAL'];

    /* this part is the first problematic part*/
    if ($_POST && !empty($_POST['PROD_SP_1.5'])) {
        $_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5'] = $_POST['PROD_SP_1.5'];
/* end of the first problematic part*/

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
    <title>Untitled 1</title>



/* this part is the second problematic part*/
    if ($_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5'] > 0) {
        echo $_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5'] . 'Book Box';
    else {
        echo '';
/* end of the second problematic part*/

<!-- This part posts the total volume in Cubic Feet-->

    if (isset($_SESSION['TOTAL'])) {
        echo 'Your total volume is ' . round($_SESSION['TOTAL']) . ' Cubic Feet.';
    } else {
        echo 'You did not fill out any details. Please go back.';

<!-- End of volume posting -->


<!-- This part posts the correct price based on the total volume -->
    if ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 250) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $1,899.00 based on 1 Section (up to     250CF).';
    } elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 500) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $3,349.00 based on 2 Sections (up to 500CF).';
    } elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 750) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $4,899.00 based on 3 Sections (up to 750CF).';
    } elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 1000) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $5,999.00 based on an exclusive 20ft Container.';
    elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 1250) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $7,499.00 based on 5 Sections (up to     1,250CF).';
    elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 1500) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $8,599.00 based on 6 Sections (up to 1,500CF).';
    elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 1750) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $9,499.00 based on 7 Sections (up to     1,750CF).';
    elseif ($_SESSION['TOTAL'] > 0 && $_SESSION['TOTAL'] <= 2000) {
        echo 'The guaranteed price for door to door service is $9,999.00 based on an exclusive 40ft     Container.';
    else {
        echo 'Sorry, your total volume is too high to quote online. Please contact us to set up an on-    site survey: 1.877.430.1300';

<!-- end of price section -->




2 回答 2

  1. <?php session_start();?>在每一页上都包括了吗?如果您想使用会话,这是必需的
  2. 我看到你只有$_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5']在它不为空时才设置。如果它为空,我建议将其设置为 0,或者将测试更改为if (isset($_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5']) && $_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5'] > 0)
于 2012-01-28T16:44:48.290 回答


/* this part is the second problematic part*/
if (isset($_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5']) && $_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5'] > 0) {
echo $_SESSION['PROD_SP_1.5'] . 'Book Box';

您还应该在检查 id 时使用isset而不是empty在 POST 数组中存在值:

if ($_POST && isset($_POST['PROD_SP_1.5'])) {
于 2012-01-28T16:39:52.513 回答