Edit: just to be clear: My question is: is it possible to dynamically inject a function before all other function calls on a page.

I would like a single function to inject itself before all function calls. I'm trying to implement access control lists for a JS app. So for eg.

User fred can access function app.addPage(), but he can't access function app.removePage();

So now how do I call the original function that was intended after calling the gatekeeper function?

I suppose I could modify my app so that every method call looks like this:


But I wanted to inject acl() automatically before ever function call in some dynamic way. Possible?


1 回答 1




// define your functions as usual
app.showCatVideo = function (...) { /* ... */ }    
app.deletePage   = function(...) { /* ... */ }
app.dropBombs    = function(...) { /* ... */ }

// specify which ones are privileged
var privilegedFunctionNames = [ "deletePage", "dropBombs" ];

for( var i = 0; i < privilegedFunctionNames.length; i++ ) {
  var funcName = privilegedFunctionNames[ i ],
    , origFunc = app[ funcName ];

  delete app[ funcName ];

  // replace the function with this one
  app[ funcName ] = function() {
    // check the user
    if( theUser.isPrivileged() ) {
      // call the original function with the arguments passed
      return origFunc.apply( app, arguments );
    else {
      // hissy fit
      alert( "Unauthorized!" );

这只是privilegedFunctionNames用一个函数包装您指定的函数 (in ),该函数首先检查用户是否有特权,如果她/他是,则调用该函数,如果没有则发出警报。

但是,就像我说的那样,这没有安全优势。如果有人知道如何使用 FireBug,那么他们就已经成功地击败了您能想出的任何其他客户端技巧。

于 2012-01-27T00:27:46.543 回答