我正在使用以下编译时“技巧”(基于 ADL)来创建一个仅由同一命名空间中的类有效/定义/调用的函数。

    namespace Family1
        struct ModelA{};
        struct ModelB{};

        template<typename T>
        bool is_in_Family1(T const& t) 
            return true;

    namespace Family2
        struct ModelC{};

        template<typename T>
        bool is_in_Family2(T const& t) 
            return true;

    Family1::ModelA mA;
    Family2::ModelC mC;

    is_in_Family1(mA);          // VALID
    is_in_Family1(mC);          // ERROR


    // I would like to specialize the method template Bar for classes in Family1 
    // namespace; and another specialization for classes in Family2 namespace
    struct Foo
        template<typename T>
        void Bar( T& _T ){}



2 回答 2


你的“把戏”有一个大问题。尝试调用is_in_Family1(make_pair(Family1::ModelA(), Family2::ModelC()),您将看到 return true,因为 ADL 将同时查看 和 的命名空间ModelAModelC因为pair<ModelA, ModelC>)。


template<typename T> struct int_ { typedef int type; };

struct Foo
    template<typename T, 
             typename int_<decltype(is_in_Family1(*(T*)0))>::type = 0
    void Bar( T& t ){}

    template<typename T, 
             typename int_<decltype(is_in_Family2(*(T*)0))>::type = 0
    void Bar( T& t ){}


struct Foo
    template<typename T, 
             typename int_<decltype(is_in_Family1(*(T*)0))>::type = 0
    void Bar( T& t, long){}

    template<typename T,
             typename int_<decltype(is_in_Family2(*(T*)0))>::type = 0
    void Bar( T& t, long){}

    template<typename T>
    void Bar( T& t, int) {}

    template<typename T>
    void Bar( T& t ) { return Bar(t, 0); }


于 2012-01-26T22:24:22.687 回答

我发现最快的方法是使用 Boost Type Traits' is_base_of<>


如果您使 Family1::ModelA 和 Family::ModelB 的子类 Family1:Family1Type 和 Family2::ModelC 成为 Family2::Family2Type 的子类,则使用类型特征有效:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>

namespace Family1{

    struct Family1Type{};

    struct ModelA :public Family1Type{};
    struct ModelB :public Family1Type{};

    template<typename T>
    bool is_in_Family1(const T& t){
        return boost::is_base_of<Family1::Family1Type,T>::value;

namespace Family2{
    struct Family2Type{};

    struct ModelC :public Family2Type{};

    template<typename T>
    bool is_in_Family2(const T& t){
        return boost::is_base_of<Family2::Family2Type,T>::value;


using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    Family1::ModelA mA;
    Family2::ModelC mC;

    std::cout << "mA is in Family1?  " << is_in_Family1(mA) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "mC is in Family2?  " << is_in_Family2(mC) << std::endl;

    //std::cout << "mC is in Family1?  " << is_in_Family1(mC) << std::endl; //ERROR!
    //std::cout << "mA is in Family2?  " << is_in_Family2(mA) << std::endl; //ERROR!

    return 0;


mA is in Family1?  1
mC is in Family2?  1

我认为没有一种方法可以根据不同命名空间中 'template<class _Tp> struct std::less' 的Foo专业化来声明和专门化Foo::Bar<>另一个命名空间

于 2012-01-25T20:37:45.433 回答