我正在尝试在我的 jQuery Mobile 上集成 Facebook Chat 并考虑关注 建筑学

但是,当我打开服务器(旁遮普语),并将以下必要的凭据放入与 facebook 相关的 javascript 中时,我收到远程连接失败错误,谁能告诉我缺少什么。

JID :          XXX@chat.facebook.com
PASSWORD:      <FacebookPassword>


  SENT:<body rid='1283282620' xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind' to='chat.facebook.com' xml:lang='en' wait='300' hold='1' content='text/xml; charset=utf-8' ver='1.6' xmpp:version='1.0' xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:xbosh'/>

  RECV:<body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind' type='terminate' condition='remote-connection-failed'/>

在 Windows XP 上启动服务器

Python twistd.py punjab

2012-01-26 10:41:45+0530 [-] Log opened.
2012-01-26 10:41:45+0530 [-] twistd 11.1.0 (C:\Python27\python.exe 2.7.2) starti
ng up.
2012-01-26 10:41:45+0530 [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.Selec
2012-01-26 10:41:45+0530 [-] Site starting on 5280
2012-01-26 10:41:45+0530 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance
at 0x013A12B0>

当我击中http://localhost:5280/http-bind时,我得到XEP-0124 - BOSH




<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="strophe.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="facebook.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
var BOSH_SERVICE = 'http://localhost:5280/http-bind'
var connection = null;

function log(msg)

function rawInput(data)
    log('RECV: ' + data);

function rawOutput(data)
    log('SENT: ' + data);

function onConnect(status)
    if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTING) {
    log('Strophe is connecting.');
    } else if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) {
    log('Strophe failed to connect.');
    $('#connect').get(0).value = 'connect';
    } else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING) {
    log('Strophe is disconnecting.');
    } else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED) {
    log('Strophe is disconnected.');
    $('#connect').get(0).value = 'connect';
    } else if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
    log('Strophe is connected.');

$(document).ready(function () {
    var access_token;
            appId      : 'XXXXXXXXXXX',
            status     : true,
            cookie     : true,
            xfbml      : true,
            oauth      : true,

    FB.login(function (response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
            access_token = response.authResponse.accessToken;
        } else {
            alert('User is logged out');
    },{scope: 'email,user_online_presence,friends_online_presence,xmpp_login'});

    connection = new Strophe.Connection(BOSH_SERVICE);
    connection.rawInput = rawInput;
    connection.rawOutput = rawOutput;

    $('#connect').bind('click', function () {
    var button = $('#connect').get(0);
    if (button.value == 'connect') {
        button.value = 'disconnect';

                    'XXXXXXXXXX' , /*app id*/
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',/*secret key*/
    } else {
        button.value = 'connect';

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<div id='login' style='text-align: center'>
      <form name='cred'>
        <label for='jid'>JID:</label>
        <input type='text' id='jid'>
        <label for='pass'>Password:</label>
        <input type='password' id='pass'>
        <input type='button' id='connect' value='connect'>
    <div id='log'></div>


    @author: Ruben J Garcia <rubenjgarciab@gmail.com>
    @version: 1.0

    This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
    Please see the LICENSE file for details.

    Copyright 2006-2008, OGG, LLC

 * Split a string by string
 * @param delimiter string The boundary string.
 * @param string string The input string.
 * @param limit int[optional] If limit is set and positive, the returned array will contain
 *      a maximum of limit elements with the last
 *      element containing the rest of string.
 *      If the limit parameter is negative, all components
 *      except the last -limit are returned.
 *      If the limit parameter is zero, then this is treated as 1.
 * @returns array If delimiter is an empty string (""),
 *      explode will return false.
 *      If delimiter contains a value that is not
 *      contained in string and a negative
 *      limit is used, then an empty array will be
 *      returned. For any other limit, an array containing
 *      string will be returned.
function explode(delimiter, string, limit) {
         var emptyArray = { 0: '' };

        // third argument is not required
        if ( arguments.length < 2 ||
            typeof arguments[0] == 'undefined' || typeof arguments[1] == 'undefined' ) {
            return null;

        if ( delimiter === '' || delimiter === false ||
            delimiter === null ) {
            return false;

        if ( typeof delimiter == 'function' || typeof delimiter == 'object' ||
            typeof string == 'function' || typeof string == 'object' ) {
                return emptyArray;    

        if ( delimiter === true ) {
            delimiter = '1';

        if (!limit) {
            return string.toString().split(delimiter.toString());
        } else {
            // support for limit argument        
            var splitted = string.toString().split(delimiter.toString());
            var partA = splitted.splice(0, limit - 1);
            var partB = splitted.join(delimiter.toString());
            return partA;   

 *  Handler for X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM SASL authentication.
 *  @param (XMLElement) elem - The challenge stanza.
 *  @returns false to remove the handler.
Strophe.Connection.prototype._sasl_challenge1_fb = function (elem)
        var challenge = Base64.decode(Strophe.getText(elem));
        var nonce = "";
        var method = "";
        var version = "";

        // remove unneeded handlers

        var challenges = explode("&", challenge);
        for(i=0; i<challenges.length; i++) 
            map = explode("=", challenges[i]);
            switch (map[0]) 
                case "nonce":
                    nonce = map[1];
                case "method":
                    method = map[1];
                case "version":
                    version = map[1];

        var responseText = "";

        responseText += 'api_key=' + this.apiKey;
        responseText += '&call_id=' + (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000));
        responseText += '&method=' + method;
        responseText += '&nonce=' + nonce;
        responseText += '&access_token=' + this.sessionKey;
        responseText += '&v=' + '1.0';
        responseText += '&sig=' + MD5.hexdigest(responseText.replace(/&/g,"")+this.secretKey);

        this._sasl_challenge_handler = this._addSysHandler(
            this._sasl_challenge2_cb.bind(this), null,
            "challenge", null, null);
        this._sasl_success_handler = this._addSysHandler(
            this._sasl_success_cb.bind(this), null,
            "success", null, null);
        this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
            this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,
            "failure", null, null);

        this.send($build('response', {
            xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL

        return false;

 *  Handler for initial connection request with Facebokk.
 *  This handler is used to process the initial connection request
 *  response from the BOSH server. It is used to set up authentication
 *  handlers and start the authentication process.
 *  SASL authentication will be attempted if available, otherwise
 *  the code will fall back to legacy authentication.
 *  @param (Strophe.Request) req - The current request.
Strophe.Connection.prototype._connect_fb = function (req) {
        Strophe.info("_connect_fb was called");

        this.connected = true;
        var bodyWrap = req.getResponse();
        if (!bodyWrap) { return; }


        var typ = bodyWrap.getAttribute("type");
        var cond, conflict;
        if (typ !== null && typ == "terminate") {
            // an error occurred
            cond = bodyWrap.getAttribute("condition");
            conflict = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName("conflict");
            if (cond !== null) {
                if (cond == "remote-stream-error" && conflict.length > 0) {
                    cond = "conflict";
                this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, cond);
            } else {
                this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, "unknown");

        // check to make sure we don't overwrite these if _connect_fb is
        // called multiple times in the case of missing stream:features
        if (!this.sid) {
            this.sid = bodyWrap.getAttribute("sid");
        if (!this.stream_id) {
            this.stream_id = bodyWrap.getAttribute("authid");
        var wind = bodyWrap.getAttribute('requests');
        if (wind) { this.window = wind; }
        var hold = bodyWrap.getAttribute('hold');
        if (hold) { this.hold = hold; }
        var wait = bodyWrap.getAttribute('wait');
        if (wait) { this.wait = wait; }

        var mechanisms = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName("mechanism");
        var i, mech, auth_str, hashed_auth_str, xfacebook;
        if (mechanisms.length == 0) {
            // we didn't get stream:features yet, so we need wait for it
            // by sending a blank poll request
            var body = this._buildBody();
                new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < mechanisms.length; i++) {
                mech = Strophe.getText(mechanisms[i]);
                if (mech == 'X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM') {
                    xfacebook = true;

        if (!xfacebook) {

        this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING, null);
        this._sasl_challenge_handler = this._addSysHandler(
            this._sasl_challenge1_fb.bind(this), null,
            "challenge", null, null);
        this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(
            this._sasl_challenge1_fb.bind(this), null,
            "failure", null, null);

        this.send($build("auth", {
            xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL,
            mechanism: "X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM"

 *  Starts the connection process with facebok XMPP Chat Server.
 *  As the connection process proceeds, the user supplied callback will
 *  be triggered multiple times with status updates.  The callback
 *  should take two arguments - the status code and the error condition.
 *  The status code will be one of the values in the Strophe.Status
 *  constants.  The error condition will be one of the conditions
 *  defined in RFC 3920 or the condition 'strophe-parsererror'.
 *  Please see XEP 124 for a more detailed explanation of the optional
 *  parameters below.
 *  @param (String) jid - The user's JID. It must be facebookid@chat.facebook.com,
 *      where facebook id is the number id of the facebook profile
 *  @param (Function) callback The connect callback function.
 *  @param (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value.  This is the
 *      time the server will wait before returning an empty result for
 *      a request.  The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.
 *      Other settings will require tweaks to the Strophe.TIMEOUT value.
 *  @param (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value.  This is the
 *      number of connections the server will hold at one time.  This
 *      should almost always be set to 1 (the default).
 *  @param apiKey The API key of our Facebook Application
 *  @param secretKey The secret key of our Facebook Application
 *  @param sessionKey The actual session key for the user who we are attempting to log in
Strophe.Connection.prototype.facebookConnect = function (jid, callback, wait, hold, apiKey, secretKey, sessionKey){
    this.jid = jid;
    this.connect_callback = callback;
    this.disconnecting = false;
    this.connected = false;
    this.authenticated = false;
    this.errors = 0;
    this.apiKey = apiKey;
    this.secretKey = secretKey;
    this.sessionKey = sessionKey;

    this.wait = wait || this.wait;
    this.hold = hold || this.hold;

    // parse jid for domain and resource
    this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.jid);

    // build the body tag
    var body = this._buildBody().attrs({
        to: this.domain,
        "xml:lang": "en",
        wait: this.wait,
        hold: this.hold,
        content: "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
        ver: "1.6",
        "xmpp:version": "1.0",
        "xmlns:xmpp": Strophe.NS.BOSH

    this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTING, null);

        new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),
                            this, this._connect_fb.bind(this)),

请有人建议我整合 Facebook 聊天的正确方法


2 回答 2




于 2013-01-17T08:42:53.093 回答


  • punjab 返回的错误是 remote-connection-failed。这意味着它无法打开与 chat.facebook.com 的连接。您的旁遮普语日志似乎不匹配,因为您没有尝试连接到 Facebook。
  • 您可能会伤害跨域问题,这可能是您的客户端无法连接到旁遮普邦的原因。旁遮普在端口 5280 上运行,而您的客户端在端口 80 上提供服务。这是不同的服务,您的浏览器可能会阻止从端口 80 上提供服务的客户端连接回端口 5280。检查您的 Javascript 浏览器日志。我希望那里有一个错误。
  • Facebook 在使用代理时不支持标准身份验证。您将需要一个支持 X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM SASL 身份验证机制的库。请参阅:http: //developers.facebook.com/docs/chat/
于 2012-01-29T11:01:34.757 回答