我正在使用 leveldb 来存储整数和 MyClass 对象的键值对。实际上,一个键可以包含多个这些对象。从数据库中检索数据时出现的问题。它可以编译,但是 MyClass 成员的值不是我放入数据库的值。

std::string value;
leveldb::Slice keySlice = ANYKEY;
levelDBObj->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), keySlice, &value);

现在std::string value1可以只包含一个或多个 MyClass 对象。那么我该如何获得它们呢?


1.) 直接类型转换和memcpy

std::vector<MyClass> vObjects;
MyClass* obj = (MyClass*)malloc( value.size());
memcpy((void*)obj, (void*) (value.c_str()), value.size());
MyClass dummyObj;
int numValues = value.size()/sizeof(MyClass);
for( int i=0; i<numValues; ++i) {
    dummyObj = *(obj+i);

2.) reinterpret_cast 到 void 指针

MyClass* obj = (MyClass*)malloc( value.size());
const void* vobj = reinterpret_cast<const void*>( value.c_str() );
int numValues = value.size()/sizeof(MyClass);
for( int i=0; i<numValues; ++i) {
    const MyClass dummyObj = *(reinterpret_cast<const MyClass*>(vobj)+i);

MyClass 是几个公共成员的集合,例如 unsigned int 和 unsigned char,它具有稳定的大小。

我知道只有一个对象存在类似的问题。但在我的情况下,向量可以包含多个,它来自 leveldb 数据库。


我为 MyClass 编写了(反)序列化方法,然后使它工作。感谢您的提示!

void MyClass::serialize( char* outBuff ) {
    memcpy(outBuff, (const void*) &aVar, sizeof(aVar));
    unsigned int c = sizeof(aVar);
    memcpy(outBuff+c, (const void*) &bVar, sizeof(bVar));
    c += sizeof(bVAr);
    /* and so on */

void MyClass::deserialize( const char* inBuff ) {
    memcpy((void*) &aVar, inBuff, sizeof(aVar));
    unsigned int c = sizeof(aVar);
    memcpy((void*) &aVar, inBuff+c, sizeof(aVar));
    c += sizeof(aVar);
    /* and so on */


int getValues(leveldb::Slice keySlice, std::vector<MyObj>& values) const {
    std::string value;  
    leveldb::Status status = levelDBObj->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), keySlice, &value);
    if (!status.ok()) {
            return -1;

    int nValues = value1.size()/sizeof(CHit);
    MyObj dummyObj;
    for( int i=0; i<nValues; ++i) {

    return 0;

1 回答 1


您必须序列化您的课程......否则,您只是占用一些内存并将其写入 leveldb。无论你得到什么,不仅会有所不同,而且也可能完全没用。查看此问题以获取有关序列化的更多信息:How do you serialize an object in C++?

LevelDB确实支持一个键下的多个对象,但是,除非您有充分的理由,否则请尽量避免这样做。我建议您使用唯一的哈希对每个对象进行哈希处理(如果您需要哈希函数,请参阅Google 的 CityHash)并将序列化的对象与其相应的哈希一起存储。如果您的对象本身就是一个集合,那么您必须将所有对象序列化为一个字节数组,并有一些方法可以让您确定每个对象的开始/结束位置。



class MyClass
    int _numeric;
    string _text;
    // constructors 

    // mutators
    void SetNumeric(int num);
    void SetText(string text);

    static unsigned int SerializableSize()
        // returns the serializable size of the class with the schema:
        // 4 bytes for the numeric (integer) 
        // 4 bytes for the unsigned int (the size of the text)
        // n bytes for the text (it has a variable size)
        return sizeof(int) + sizeof(unsigned int) + _text.size();

    // serialization
    int Serialize(const char* buffer, const unsigned int bufferLen, const unsigned int position)
        // check if the object can be serialized in the available buffer space
            // don't write anything and return -1 signaling that there was an error
            return -1;

        unsigned int finalPosition = position;

        // write the numeric value
        *(int*)(buffer + finalPosition) = _numeric;

        // move the final position past the numeric value
        finalPosition += sizeof(int);

        // write the size of the text
        *(unsigned int*)(buffer + finalPosition) = (unsigned int)_text.size();

        // move the final position past the size of the string
        finalPosition += sizeof(unsigned int);

        // write the string
        memcpy((void*)(buffer+finalPosition), _text.c_str(), (unsigned int)_text.size());

        // move the final position past the end of the string
        finalPosition += (unsigned int)_text.size();

        // return the number of bytes written to the buffer
        return finalPosition-position;

    // deserialization
    static int Deserialize(MyClass& myObject, 
        const char* buffer, 
        const unsigned int buffSize, 
        const unsigned int position)
        insigned int currPosition = position;

        // copy the numeric value
        int numeric = *(int*)(buffer + currentPosition);

        // increment the current position past the numeric value
        currentPosition += sizeof(int);

        // copy the size of the text
        unsigned int textSize = *(unsigned int*)(buffer + currentPosition);

        // increment the current position past the size of the text
        currentPosition += sizeof(unsigned int);

        // copy the text
        string text((buffer+currentPosition), textSize);

        if(currentPosition > buffSize)
            // you decide what to do here

        // Set your object's values

        // return the number of bytes deserialized
        return currentPosition - position;
于 2012-01-24T16:20:43.367 回答