我已经编写了一个代码来遍历一个骑士到棋盘上的所有方格一次。这个(下面)代码的问题是,它工作到 7x7 并且在 8x8 之后什么都不做。代码在这里 chessBoardSize 定义了尺寸(8=> 8x8)
#define chessBoardSize 12
int chessBoard[chessBoardSize][chessBoardSize] = {0};
typedef struct point{
int x, y;
int count=0;
int nextPosition(int x, int y, POINT* array){
int m=0;
/* finds the next possible points for the current
position in the chess board:
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ * _ * _ _
* _ _ _ * _
_ _ P _ _ _
* _ _ _ * _
_ * _ * _ _
as above if 'P' is the current (x,y)
* represents the next possible points and
also checks it exists within the chess board
if( (x+2) < chessBoardSize ){
if( (y+1) < chessBoardSize ){
array[m].x = x+2;
array[m++].y = y+1;
if( (y-1) >-1 ){
array[m].x = x+2;
array[m++].y = y-1;
if( (x-2) > -1){
if( (y+1) < chessBoardSize ){
array[m].x = x-2;
array[m++].y = y+1;
if( (y-1) >-1 ){
array[m].x = x-2;
array[m++].y = y-1;
if( (y+2) < chessBoardSize){
if( (x+1) < chessBoardSize ){
array[m].x = x+1;
array[m++].y = y+2;
if( (x-1) >-1 ){
array[m].x = x-1;
array[m++].y = y+2;
if( (y-2) > -1){
if( (x+1) < chessBoardSize ){
array[m].x = x+1;
array[m++].y = y-2;
if( (x-1) >-1 ){
array[m].x = x-1;
array[m++].y = y-2;
return m;
void displayAnswer(){
int i, j, k;
for(i=0; i<chessBoardSize; i++){
for(j=0; j<chessBoardSize; j++)
// recursive function using backtrack method
void knightTravel(int x, int y){
POINT array[8] = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
// remainin initialized to zero automatically
volatile int noOfPossiblePoints = nextPosition(x, y, array);
volatile int i;
chessBoard[x][y] = ++count;
// base condition uses count
if( count == chessBoardSize * chessBoardSize ){
for(i=0; i< noOfPossiblePoints; i++)
if( chessBoard[array[i].x][array[i].y] == 0 )
knightTravel(array[i].x, array[i].y);
chessBoard[x][y] = 0;
int main()
knightTravel(0, 0);
printf("No solution exists\n");
return 0;