I'm having problems with uploadify and uploading files. The script that does the actual uploading via PHP never seems to get executed and I can't figure out why. The script that checks if a file exists executes, but the upload script won't.
Uploadify is throwing an IO Error when trying to upload
Here's my uploadify declaration: (ignore simple syntax errors, i manually typed this)
$(document).ready(function() {
'uploader' : 'javascript/uploadify/uploadify.swf',
'script' : 'javascript/uploadify/uploadify.php',
'cancelImg' : 'javascript/uploadify/cancel.png',
'checkScript': 'javascript/uploadify/check.php',
'folder' : '', // Hard coded in php file for security
'auto' : true,
'multi' : false,
'simUploadLimit' : 1,
'sizeLimit' : 10000000,
'fileExt' : '*.txt',
'fileDesc' : '.TXT'