Public Sub co_multiDates()
'Basic Error Handler function
'On Error GoTo errorHandler
'errorHandler: MsgBox("ERROR " & CStr(Err) & ": " & Error$ & " on line " & CStr(Erl))
'Everything below this is designed to populate a field that then populates a column with multiple date values
'This is designed so that when creating a location record for multiple days, there will be multiple entries in the employee's view
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim multiStartDate As NotesDateTime
Dim multiEndDate As NotesDateTime
Dim tempDate As NotesDateTime
Dim dateArray() As NotesDateTime
Dim dateCounter As Integer
Dim AdjustDay As Integer
Dim Source As NotesUIDocument
Set Source = w.CurrentDocument
Dim thisDoc As NotesDocument
Set thisDoc = Source.Document
' populate multiStartDate and multiEndDate with the values from the StartDate and EndDate fields
Set multiStartDate = New NotesDateTime(thisDoc.GetItemValue("StartDate")(0))
Set multiEndDate = New NotesDateTime(thisDoc.GetItemValue("EndDate")(0))
'assign null value to dateCounter - calculates the difference between StartDate and EndDate
Let dateCounter = 0
While multiStartDate.TimeDifference(multiEndDate) <= 0
'add to MultiDates
ReDim Preserve dateArray(0 To dateCounter)
Set tempDate = New NotesDateTime(multiStartDate.DateOnly)
Set dateArray(dateCounter) = tempDate
'add 1 to the date to loop
Call multiStartDate.AdjustDay(1)
dateCounter = dateCounter + 1
'Replaces the value of the MultiDatesArray field in newDoc (current document) with the value of dateArray
Call thisDoc.ReplaceItemValue("MultiDates", dateArray)
'Updates audit trail field with any changes
Call SetAuditTrail(w.CurrentDocument.document, "auditTrailField", 1, "PersonName", "Person Name")
End Sub