Timer timer1 = new Time();
public Form1()
this.timer1.Enabled = true;
this.timer1.Interval = 1000;
this.timer1.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
long sentBytes = 0; //the sent bytes that updated from sending method
long prevSentBytes = 0; //which references to the previous sentByte
double totalSeconds = 0; //seconds counter to show total time .. it increases everytime the timer1 ticks.
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
long speed = sentBytes - prevSentBytes ; //here's the Transfer-Rate or Speed
prevSentBytes = sentBytes ;
labelSpeed.Text = CnvrtUnit(speed) + "/S"; //display the speed like (100 kb/s) to a label
if (speed > 0) //considering that the speed would be 0 sometimes.. we avoid dividing on 0 exception
totalSeconds++; //increasing total-time
labelTime.Text = TimeToText(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((sizeAll - sumAll) / speed));
//displaying time-left in label
labelTotalTime.Text = TimeToText(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(totalSeconds));
//displaying total-time in label
private string TimeToText(TimeSpan t)
return string.Format("{2:D2}:{1:D2}:{0:D2}", t.Seconds, t.Minutes, t.Hours);
private string CnvrtUnit(long source)
const int byteConversion = 1024;
double bytes = Convert.ToDouble(source);
if (bytes >= Math.Pow(byteConversion, 3)) //GB Range
return string.Concat(Math.Round(bytes / Math.Pow(byteConversion, 3), 2), " GB");
else if (bytes >= Math.Pow(byteConversion, 2)) //MB Range
return string.Concat(Math.Round(bytes / Math.Pow(byteConversion, 2), 2), " MB");
else if (bytes >= byteConversion) //KB Range
return string.Concat(Math.Round(bytes / byteConversion, 2), " KB");
else //Bytes
return string.Concat(bytes, " Bytes");