Peano 数字实际上更适合 Prolog,以列表的形式。
- 之间存在同构
- 长度为 N 的列表仅包含
- 深度为 N 的递归线性结构,函数符号
- ...所以这些是相同的东西(至少在这种情况下)。
- 没有什么特别的理由去坚持 19 世纪的数学家(即Giuseppe Peano)认为“可以推理的良好结构结构”(我想象的来自函数应用程序)。
- 以前有人做过:有人真的使用哥德尔化来编码字符串吗?不!人们使用字符数组。好想那个。
% ===
% Something to replace (frankly badly named and ugly) "var(X)" and "nonvar(X)"
% ===
ff(X) :- var(X). % is X a variable referencing a fresh/unbound/uninstantiated term? (is X a "freshvar"?)
bb(X) :- nonvar(X). % is X a variable referencing an nonfresh/bound/instantiated term? (is X a "boundvar"?)
% ===
% This works if:
% Xn is boundvar and Xp is freshvar:
% Map Xn from the domain of integers >=0 to Xp from the domain of lists-of-only-s.
% Xp is boundvar and Xn is freshvar:
% Map from the domain of lists-of-only-s to the domain of integers >=0
% Xp is boundvar and Xp is boundvar:
% Make sure the two representations are isomorphic to each other (map either
% way and fail if the mapping gives something else than passed)
% Xp is freshvar and Xp is freshvar:
% If you have a freshvar in one domain and the other (these cannot be the same!)
% you need to set up a constraint between the freshvars (via coroutining?) so that
% if any of the variables is bound with a value from its respective domain, the
% other is bound auotmatically with the corresponding value from ITS domain. How to
% do that? I did it awkwardly using a lookup structure that is passed as 3rd/4th
% argument, but that's not a solution I would like to see.
% ===
peanoify(Xn,Xp) :-
(bb(Xn) -> integer(Xn),Xn>=0 ; true), % make sure Xn is a good value if bound
(bb(Xp) -> is_list(Xp),maplist(==(s),Xp) ; true), % make sure Xp is a good value if bound
((ff(Xn),ff(Xp)) -> throw("Not implemented!") ; true), % TODO
% ===
% Testing is rewarding!
% Run with: ?- rt(_).
% ===
:- begin_tests(peano).
test(left0,true(Xp=[])) :- peanoify(0,Xp).
test(right0,true(Xn=0)) :- peanoify(Xn,[]).
test(left1,true(Xp=[s])) :- peanoify(1,Xp).
test(right1,true(Xn=1)) :- peanoify(Xn,[s]).
test(left2,true(Xp=[s,s])) :- peanoify(2,Xp).
test(right2,true(Xn=2)) :- peanoify(Xn,[s,s]).
test(left3,true(Xp=[s,s,s])) :- peanoify(3,Xp).
test(right3,true(Xn=3)) :- peanoify(Xn,[s,s,s]).
test(f1,fail) :- peanoify(-1,_).
test(f2,fail) :- peanoify(_,[k]).
test(f3,fail) :- peanoify(a,_).
test(f4,fail) :- peanoify(_,a).
test(f5,fail) :- peanoify([s],_).
test(f6,fail) :- peanoify(_,1).
test(bi0) :- peanoify(0,[]).
test(bi1) :- peanoify(1,[s]).
test(bi2) :- peanoify(2,[s,s]).
:- end_tests(peano).
rt(peano) :- run_tests(peano).