I have the following code :

const int k=1;
    int *p=const_cast<int *>( &k);
    cout<<"k before="<<*p<<endl;
    *const_cast<int *>( &k)=12;
    cout<<"k after="<<k<<endl;

the output was :

k before=1
k after=1

why doesn't const cast work here ?


3 回答 3


const_cast causes undefined behaviour if you cast away const then write to the value. Not doing anything is valid behaviour, as you have seen here.

In your particular example, what has likely happened is that the compiler sees that k is declared with the const storage class, knows that it can't (legally) change, and replaces

cout<<"k after="<<k<<endl;


cout<<"k after="<<1<<endl;

If you turn off optimisations you may (or may not) get a different result.

The very reason that casting away const invokes undefined behaviour is so that the compiler is free to do optimisations like this. If const variables could be freely cast to non-const variables and written to, then const would be absolutely meaningless to the compiler.

于 2012-01-21T15:42:39.080 回答

What you are doing is Undefined Behaviour. You cannot attempt to modify a variable that is const

于 2012-01-21T15:43:09.033 回答



至于你应该做什么,归结为决定你k是否真的是 const 。如果你真的需要修改它,那么你需要将它定义为一个普通的(非const)变量。如果您想确保只有少量特定代码可以修改它,那么您可以/可以(出于一种可能性)将其设为小类私有:

class my_int { 
    int k;
    my_int() : k(1) {}

    do_mod() { k = 10; }

    operator int() { return k; }


公平地说,我可能应该指出,如果它真的尝试进行一些强制转换,其他代码可以修改k. 正如 Bjarne 所说,C++ 的保护机制旨在防止意外,而不是故意颠覆。

于 2012-01-21T16:36:54.203 回答