The tooltip appears ok, but the dropdown box closes automatically when I try to point the mouse on an item. This happen only on Internet Explorer, on the others browsers it works fine.
HTML code:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0">
<td width="20%" class="fundoTituloForm">Entidade:</td>
<td width="80%" class="bordaFormResp">
<select name="academia" id="academia" class="formulario vtip" title="Selecione a entidade que deseja">
JS code:
this.vtip = function() {
this.xOffset = -10; // x distance from mouse
this.yOffset = 20; // y distance from mouse
function(e) {
this.t = this.title;
this.title = ''; = (e.pageY + yOffset); this.left = (e.pageX + xOffset);
$('body').append( '<p id="vtip"><img id="vtipArrow" />' + this.t + '</p>' );
$('p#vtip #vtipArrow').attr("src", '../../imagens/vtip_arrow.gif');
$('p#vtip').css("top","px").css("left", this.left+"px").fadeIn("fast");
function() {
this.title = this.t;
function(e) { = (e.pageY + yOffset);
this.left = (e.pageX + xOffset);
$("p#vtip").css("top","px").css("left", this.left+"px");
You can see at real here check with different browsers. Someone can help me?