我正在尝试将jVi安装到jME3 SDK中。当我尝试从 SDK 中手动添加它们时(通过工具->插件->下载->添加插件->安装),我无法按“下一步”,并被告知我需要安装一些 API :

Some plugins require plugin MIME Lookup API to be installed.
The plugin MIME Lookup API is requested in version >= 1.22.1 but only 1.22 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin UI Utilities API to be installed.
The plugin UI Utilities API is requested in version >= 7.31.1 but only 7.31 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Dialogs API to be installed.
The plugin Dialogs API is requested in version >= 7.20.1 but only 7.20 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Nodes API to be installed.
The plugin Nodes API is requested in version >= 7.21.1 but only 7.21 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Text API to be installed.
The plugin Text API is requested in implementation version 201107282000.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Utilities API to be installed.
The plugin Utilities API is requested in version >= 8.15.1 but only 8.15 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Lookup API to be installed.
The plugin Lookup API is requested in version >= 8.8.1 but only 8.8 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Window System API to be installed.
The plugin Window System API is requested in version >= 6.40.1 but only 6.40 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues  Some plugins not installed to avoid potential installation problems.

这些 API 在“可用”或“已安装”选项卡中似乎都不可用。jME3 SDK是基于我不知道是什么版本的netbeans。jme3 SDK 的 about 部分只是告诉我我正在使用 jME3 SDK 3.0beta。我尝试打开一些罐子并四处寻找,但找不到太多相关信息。


1 回答 1


好的,我刚刚找到了解决方案。从 jME3 SDK 中的 jVi zip 文件手动安装时,您应该只选择以下模块:


用于 NetBeans 的 jVi

jVi 帮助



于 2012-01-20T09:30:25.710 回答