我正在使用此代码在 ArcMap 中创建文本。但是当你放大时,我似乎无法让它像注释文本一样缩放。


//'First setup a color.  We'll use RGB red    
                IRgbColor pRGBcolor = new RgbColor();
                pRGBcolor.Blue = 0;
                pRGBcolor.Red = 255;
                pRGBcolor.Green = 0;

                //'Next, cocreate a new TextElement    
                ITextElement pTextElement = new TextElementClass();

                //'Query Interface (QI) to an IElement pointer and set    
                //'the geometry that was passed in    
                IElement pElement = pTextElement as IElement;
                pElement.Geometry = Point;

                //'Next, setup a font
                stdole.IFontDisp pFontDisp = new stdole.StdFont() as stdole.IFontDisp;
                pFontDisp.Name = "Arial";
                pFontDisp.Bold = true;

                //'Next, setup a TextSymbol that the TextElement will draw with    
                ITextSymbol pTextSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.TextSymbolClass();
                pTextSymbol.Font = pFontDisp;
                pTextSymbol.Color = pRGBcolor;
                pTextSymbol.Size = Size;
                pTextSymbol.HorizontalAlignment = esriTextHorizontalAlignment.esriTHACenter;
                pTextSymbol.VerticalAlignment = esriTextVerticalAlignment.esriTVACenter;
                pTextSymbol.Angle = Angle;
                pTextSymbol.Text = Text;

                //'set the size of the text symbol here, rather than on the font        
                //'Next, Give the TextSymbol and text string to the TextElement    
                pTextElement.Symbol = pTextSymbol;
                pTextElement.Text = pTextSymbol.Text;
                pTextElement.ScaleText = true;

                ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IElementProperties3 aoElementPro = pTextElement as ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IElementProperties3;
                aoElementPro.ReferenceScale = cGISHelpers.MapDomain.Map.MapScale;

3 回答 3


据我所知,您无法将 TextSymbol 与地图一起缩放。这是因为 TextElement 不能根据地图的范围进行更改,而是使用字体大小来确定它将出现在屏幕上的大小。

在仍然使用 TextSymbol 的同时,我能想到的最好方法是随着范围的变化改变点的大小(如果范围足够大,隐藏/显示元素)。我不知道“关注范围的文本控件”,这是您真正需要的。


于 2009-05-21T14:05:39.857 回答

我们可以很好地添加根据比例改变大小的文本。为此,我们需要使用 IElementProperties3.ReferenceScale 属性。

我没有 C# 代码,但附上了一些您可以修改的示例 VBA 代码。

Sub ChangeTextElemRefScale()
    Dim pDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pContainer As IGraphicsContainer
    Dim pElement As IElement
    Dim pTextElement As ITextElement
    Dim pActiveView As IActiveView

    Set pDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pActiveView = pDoc.ActiveView
    Set pContainer = pActiveView

    'Loop through the graphics container
    Set pElement = pContainer.Next
    While not pElement Is Nothing
        'Get the specific text element
        If TypeOf pElement Is ITextElement Then
           Set pTextElement = pElement
           If pTextElement.Text = "oregon" Then  'change this to your text element's text
                Dim pElemProp As IElementProperties3
                Set pElemProp = pTextElement
                pElemProp.ReferenceScale = 15000000
            End If
        End If
        Set pElement = pContainer.Next

    pDoc.ActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, Nothing, Nothing
End Sub
于 2009-06-02T13:58:35.480 回答


于 2013-02-04T12:19:39.110 回答