我有一个 Windows 窗体应用程序,它在执行时会启动 Firefox,获取窗口的进程和句柄,并对 Firefox 进行屏幕截图,将其保存到磁盘 (temp.bmp) 并调用 ProcessGetWindow。我基本上是在 MODI 中使用 MiSelectRects 来捕获我正在寻找的单词周围的矩形,然后我使用 AutoIT 鼠标单击单词。
问题是我的坐标离顶部大约 10 个像素。
有什么想法可能是错的吗?这是进行处理的函数。我已经注释掉了 AutoIT 处理,我只是在使用 MessageBox 进行调试以显示实际坐标。然后我用 AutoIT 的 Window Info 工具确认它肯定是关闭的......我做错了什么还是 MODI 搞砸了?
public void ProcessGetWindow(Bitmap image)
Document modiDoc = null;
MiDocSearch modiSearch = null;
IMiSelectableItem modiTextSel = null;
MiSelectRects modiSelectRects = null;
MiSelectRect modiSelectRect = null;
MiRects modiRects = null;
int intSelInfoPN;
string intSelInfoTop;
int intSelInfoBottom;
string intSelInfoLeft;
int intSelInfoRight;
// Load an existing image file.
modiDoc = new Document();
// Perform OCR.
// Search for the selected word.
modiSearch = new MiDocSearch();
modiSearch.Initialize(modiDoc, "Click Me", 0, 0, false, false);
modiSearch.Search(null, ref modiTextSel);
modiSelectRects = modiTextSel.GetSelectRects();
catch (COMException)
MessageBox.Show("Me thinks that the OCR didn't work right!");
foreach (MiSelectRect mr in modiSelectRects)
//intSelInfoPN = mr.PageNumber.ToString();
intSelInfoTop = mr.Top.ToString();
//intSelInfoBottom = mr.Bottom;
intSelInfoLeft = mr.Left.ToString();
//intSelInfoRight = mr.Right;
/*AutoItX3 auto = new AutoItX3();
auto.AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 2);
auto.MouseClick("", intSelInfoLeft, intSelInfoTop, 1, 80);*/
MessageBox.Show("Coordinates: " + intSelInfoLeft + ", " + intSelInfoTop, "Coordinates", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
//string textResult = modiTextSel.Text;
//MessageBox.Show(textResult, "Search Results", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
// Close this dialog.