I agree. Once it is uploaded to somewhere the user's browser can access then it is pretty easy to get the size. As you need to wait for the image to load you'll want to hook into the onload
event for img
Updated example:
// async/promise function for retrieving image dimensions for a URL
function imageSize(url) {
const img = document.createElement("img");
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
img.onload = () => {
// Natural size is the actual image size regardless of rendering.
// The 'normal' `width`/`height` are for the **rendered** size.
const width = img.naturalWidth;
const height = img.naturalHeight;
// Resolve promise with the width and height
resolve({width, height});
// Reject promise on error
img.onerror = reject;
// Setting the source makes it start downloading and eventually call `onload`
img.src = url;
return promise;
// How to use in an async function
(async() => {
const imageUrl = 'http://your.website.com/userUploadedImage.jpg';
const imageDimensions = await imageSize(imageUrl);
console.info(imageDimensions); // {width: 1337, height: 42}
Older example:
var width, height;
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.onload = function() {
// `naturalWidth`/`naturalHeight` aren't supported on <IE9. Fallback to normal width/height
// The natural size is the actual image size regardless of rendering.
// The 'normal' width/height are for the **rendered** size.
width = img.naturalWidth || img.width;
height = img.naturalHeight || img.height;
// Do something with the width and height
// Setting the source makes it start downloading and eventually call `onload`
img.src = "http://your.website.com/userUploadedImage.jpg";