我尝试修改 Yesod 项目,遇到了一个奇怪的错误。首先,我将介绍工作表单代码,以及带有错误消息的基本损坏代码。
type PForm x = ProductConfig ->
Html ->
MForm ReScheduler ReScheduler (FormResult x, Widget)
productForm :: PForm SelectedProduct
productForm config extra = do
let pInfo' = pInfo config
aDays' = aDays config
products = (catMaybes . pNametoText) pInfo'
versions' = map consVersionPair pInfo'
productInfo <- mapM generateSelectFields versions'
(dateRes, dateView) <- mreq (selectField aDays') "placeHolder" Nothing
(mailRes, mailView) <- mreq emailField "E-Mail Address" Nothing
(noteRes, noteView) <- mreq textareaField
let productVersion = reduceFormResults $
map flagSelected $
map fst productInfo
versionViews = map snd productInfo
let widget =
toWidget $(widgetFile "firmware") :: Widget
return (makeSelected productVersion dateRes mailRes noteRes, widget)
type RForm x = [KeyJobPair] ->
Html ->
MForm ReScheduler ReScheduler (FormResult x, Widget)
statusForm :: RForm ModData
statusForm kjPairs extra = do
-- let bPairs = buttonPairs kjPairs
-- statusPairs = map (pack . show &&& id) $
-- ([minBound .. maxBound] :: [Status])
-- (jobRes,jobView) <- mreq (radioField bPairs) "Scheduled Jobs" Nothing
-- (mailRes, mailView) <- mreq emailField "E-Mail Address" Nothing
-- (noteRes, noteView) <- mreq textareaField "Notes" Nothing
-- (statusRes, statusView) <- mreq (selectField statusPairs) "Status" Nothing
-- let widget = toWidget [hamlet|<p> testing |]
let widget = (toWidget $(widgetFile "status" )) :: Widget
return (ModData <$> undefined <*> undefined <*> undefined, widget)
No instance for (ToWidget
ReScheduler ReScheduler (GGWidget master0 m0 ()))
arising from a use of `toWidget'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(ToWidget ReScheduler ReScheduler (GGWidget master0 m0 ()))
In the expression: (toWidget ($(widgetFile "status"))) :: Widget
In an equation for `widget':
widget = (toWidget ($(widgetFile "status"))) :: Widget
In the expression:
do { let widget = ...;
(ModData <$> undefined <*> undefined <*> undefined, widget) }
请注意注释掉的硬编码 hamlet 代码。这编译得很好。这使我相信问题在于widgetFile
。我在 Yesod 博客中指出,有时widgetFile
需要显式:: Widget