在我的应用程序中,我使用两个数据库。sqlite 和 MySQL
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
'NAME': 'abc.db', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
'USER': '', # Not used with sqlite3.
'PASSWORD': '', # Not used with sqlite3.
'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
'second' : {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
'NAME': 'abc', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
'USER': 'abcdb', # Not used with sqlite3.
'PASSWORD': 'xxxxx', # Not used with sqlite3.
'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
TemplateSyntaxError at /abc/xyz/
Caught DatabaseError while rendering: no such table: second.tablename
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 1.3.1
Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:
Caught DatabaseError while rendering: no such table: second.tablename