#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int PLAYER_NUMBER = 5; //There are five players total
const int GAME_NUMBER = 3; //There are three games total
const int MIN = 0; //Min number
const int MAX = 300; //Max number
double* playerScore; //The players' score of current game
double playerAverage = 0; //The current players' average
double teamAverage = 0; //The teams' average
for (int currentPlayer = 0; currentPlayer < PLAYER_NUMBER; currentPlayer++)
{//Set the current player number
for (int currentGame = 0; currentGame < GAME_NUMBER; currentGame++)
{//Set the current game number
//Get scores
cout << "For Player " << (currentPlayer + 1) << ", enter score for game " << (currentGame + 1) << ": ";
cin >> playerScore[currentGame];
if(playerScore[currentGame] < MIN || playerScore[currentGame] > MAX)
{//Check range
cout << "The score must be between 0 and 300!\n";
currentGame--; //If there is an error, subtract the game number by one
}//End If statement
playerAverage += playerScore[currentGame];
if(currentGame == 2)
{//Current player average
cout << endl << "The average for player " << (currentPlayer + 1) << " is: " << (playerAverage / 3) << endl << endl;
teamAverage += playerAverage;
playerAverage = 0;
}//End If statement
}//End game for-statement
}//End player for-statement
cout << endl << "The average for the team is: " << (teamAverage / 15) << endl << endl;
return 0;
}//Close main