我试图说服我的 Web 服务器管理员将我们的 .NET 框架版本从 2.0 升级到 3.5。从服务器管理员的角度来看,我想知道升级的最佳理由是什么。显然,有保持最新、安全等方面的首要想法。我正在寻找一些坚定而快速的理由,让他们更难拒绝。


7 回答 7


升级 .NET 框架版本对他们来说不是什么大不了的事,因为它不会影响您已经拥有的东西(例如 2.0 应用程序)。它还将使您能够在更新的框架中开发新的应用程序,以便内置诸如 LINQ 和更好的 ASP.NET AJAX 之类的东西。

谈论说服他们将实际应用程序升级到 3.5 框架完全是另一回事,您需要对升级应用程序进行某种成本效益分析以说服他们(如果这实际上是您正在寻找的)。

于 2009-05-20T14:13:40.407 回答

From a server admin perspective? Not a lot, to be honest. The .NET framework is mainly a developer stack (LINQ, ASP.NET MVC, etc). The decision of which version of the OS/IIS would be more interesting from the admin angle.

I think you're going to have to justify 3.5 on a development basis (offsetting the resource cost of deployment/validation etc), not a sysadmin one.

于 2009-05-20T14:14:38.550 回答

If you use AJAX then ASP.Net AJAX was inbuilt for 3.5 and also LINQ for SQL is a good plus

But here is a site .Net Frameworks that shows the difference and added features from .net frameworks 1.0 and on. Compare those features to what you'll actually use to show its a huge plus.

于 2009-05-20T14:14:24.493 回答

A good argument in favor of upgrading is that you are not upgrading the .NET runtime (the CLR) by upgrading from 2.0 to 3.5. From a server admin perspective the .NET 3.5 install is really just adding new libraries.

于 2009-05-20T14:14:31.780 回答

Not sure if this would sway them from a server admin perspective, but I think LINQ support and Silverlight support are two of the more attractive features with 3.5.

于 2009-05-20T14:14:46.257 回答

The best argument is going to be more for the application developers -- new functionality. As long as they're releasing security patches for .NET 2.0 it'll be hard to make a pure sysadmin-y type argument.

A better tack might be to persuade the higher-ups. "Hey, there's this new functionality like ASP.NET AJAX that's going to make us way more productive, produce more functionality in a shorter amount of time". Then they can lean on the sysadmins.

于 2009-05-20T14:15:26.160 回答

.Net 3.5 安装在 .Net 2.0 旁边,而不是代替 .Net 2.0,因此从某种意义上说,这不是升级,因为一切突然变得更好(或更糟)或实际上以任何方式改变了现有服务器。


于 2009-05-20T14:14:10.733 回答