I am trying to perform a "translation" of sorts of a stream of text. More specifically, I need to tokenize the input stream, look up every term in a specialized dictionary and output the corresponding "translation" of the token. However, i also want to preserve all the original whitespaces, stopwords etc from the input so that the output is formatted in the same way as the input instead of ended up being a stream of translations. So if my input is
Term1: Term2 Stopword! Term3 Term4
then I want the output to look like
Term1': Term2' Stopword! Term3' Term4'
(where Termi' is translation of Termi) instead of simply
Term1' Term2' Term3' Term4'
Currently I am doing the following:
PatternAnalyzer pa = new PatternAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_31,
WordlistLoader.getWordSet(new File(stopWordFilePath)));
TokenStream ts = pa.tokenStream(null, in);
CharTermAttribute charTermAttribute = ts.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
while (ts.incrementToken()) { // loop over tokens
String termIn = charTermAttribute.toString();
but this, of course, loses all the whitespaces etc. How can I modify this to be able to re-insert them into the output? thanks much!
============ UPDATE!
I tried splitting the original stream into "words" and "non-words". It seems to work fine. Not sure whether it's the most efficient way, though:
public ArrayList splitToWords(String sIn)
if (sIn == null || sIn.length() == 0) {
return null;
char[] c = sIn.toCharArray();
ArrayList<Token> list = new ArrayList<Token>();
int tokenStart = 0;
boolean curIsLetter = Character.isLetter(c[tokenStart]);
for (int pos = tokenStart + 1; pos < c.length; pos++) {
boolean newIsLetter = Character.isLetter(c[pos]);
if (newIsLetter == curIsLetter) {
TokenType type = TokenType.NONWORD;
if (curIsLetter == true)
type = TokenType.WORD;
list.add(new Token(new String(c, tokenStart, pos - tokenStart),type));
tokenStart = pos;
curIsLetter = newIsLetter;
TokenType type = TokenType.NONWORD;
if (curIsLetter == true)
type = TokenType.WORD;
list.add(new Token(new String(c, tokenStart, c.length - tokenStart),type));
return list;