我正在编写一个必须处理信号的 shell 程序。我的相关信号处理相关代码如下:

#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
void installSigactions( int, struct sigaction* );

void handler_function( int signal_id );
/*define signal table*/
struct sigaction signal_action;

/*insert handler function*/
signal_action.sa_handler = handler_function;

/*init the flags field*/
 signal_action.sa_flags = 0;

/*are no masked interrupts*/
sigemptyset( &signal_action.sa_mask );

/*install the signal_actions*/
sigaction( SIGINT, &signal_action, NULL );


gcc -Wall -ggdb -ansi -static -pedantic -o os1shell2 os1shell2.c
os1shell2.c:35: warning: 'struct sigaction' declared inside parameter list
os1shell2.c:35: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, 
which is probably not what you want
os1shell2.c: In function 'main':
os1shell2.c:66: error: storage size of 'signal_action' isn't known
os1shell2.c:75: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sigemptyset'
os1shell2.c:78: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sigaction'



1 回答 1



如果你真的不想禁用 -ansi,你也可以添加-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE到编译器选项中。

这是对 ANSI 和 gcc 功能测试宏的简短讨论

于 2012-01-13T04:55:54.970 回答