我使用 VB,等效于使用 Try...Catch... 最后,每当我创建一个新位图时,调用 BitMap.Dispose 并在“Finally”部分设置 Bitmap = nothing。
这似乎是一个非常普遍的问题,从我在谷歌上花费的时间来看。下面的代码还允许任何图像在缩小为缩略图时保持其纵横比,这是 Google 似乎很难解决的另一个问题!
Private Function AspectedImage(ByVal ImagePath As String, ByVal SizeWanted As Integer) As Image
Dim myBitmap, WhiteSpace As System.Drawing.Bitmap
Dim myGraphics As Graphics
Dim myDestination As Rectangle
Dim MaxDimension As Integer
Dim ReductionRatio As Double
'create an instance of bitmap based on a file
myBitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(ImagePath)
'create a new square blank bitmap the right size
If myBitmap.Height >= myBitmap.Width Then MaxDimension = myBitmap.Height Else MaxDimension = myBitmap.Width
ReductionRatio = SizeWanted / MaxDimension
WhiteSpace = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(SizeWanted, SizeWanted)
'get the drawing surface of the new blank bitmap
myGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(WhiteSpace)
'find out if the photo is landscape or portrait
Dim WhiteGap As Double
If myBitmap.Height > myBitmap.Width Then 'portrait
WhiteGap = ((myBitmap.Width - myBitmap.Height) / 2) * -1
myDestination = New Rectangle(x:=CInt(WhiteGap * ReductionRatio), y:=0, Width:=Int(myBitmap.Width * ReductionRatio), Height:=Int(myBitmap.Height * ReductionRatio))
Else 'landscape
WhiteGap = ((myBitmap.Width - myBitmap.Height) / 2)
'create a destination rectangle
myDestination = New Rectangle(x:=0, y:=CInt(WhiteGap * ReductionRatio), Width:=Int(myBitmap.Width * ReductionRatio), Height:=Int(myBitmap.Height * ReductionRatio))
End If
'draw the image on the white square
myGraphics.DrawImage(image:=myBitmap, rect:=myDestination)
AspectedImage = WhiteSpace
Catch ex As Exception
myBitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap("")
AspectedImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(4, 4)
ImageBufferExceeded = True
MsgBox("Image Buffer exceeded, too many images in memory. If the one(s) you want can't be seen, please restart the application and navigate straight to your images")
myBitmap = Nothing
WhiteSpace = Nothing
End Try
End Function