I'm developing an app which I will give to a selected number of people prior to publishing on the android market, for them to play with and see if all is well.

If they encounter exceptions, it would normally be raised on the marketplace console, but the app will not come from the market place, I will send them the APK manually.

My question is, if they encounter exceptions, or I decide I'll stick a load of debugging in so I can work out what they're doing (which activities they access, what input params they use etc), how can I feed that information back to myself for analysis?

First glance idea :

  • Write all output to a log, then email that log back to myself when they exit application

This does rely on them actually sending it, and sounds incredibly cowboy, surely there is an easier way of getting a view on how they use it? (exceptions and general usage)

Any suggestions?


2 回答 2


您可以使用提供异常处理的Acra库。您可以对其进行开箱即用的配置,以将所有异常记录到 Google docs 电子表格文件或您的自定义脚本中。Lib 将为您做所有事情(例如保存日志以仅在连接可用时发送)。

于 2012-01-11T14:15:43.987 回答

试用Zubhium,完美的 android beta 分发解决方案。在这个平台上,您可以分发测试版,然后跟踪下载者、下载时间以及通过集成 ZubhiumSDK,您可以在测试版使用期间跟踪崩溃报告,但功能非常强大。

于 2012-01-16T22:41:38.150 回答