我无法区分 Android 平台工具和 Android SDK 工具。谁能给我一个简介?


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SDK Tools 是 Android SDK 的可下载组件。它包括完整的 Android SDK 开发和调试工具,如模拟器、sdcard、sqlite 和 apk builder 等。其中 Platform-tools 用于支持当前 android 平台的功能,包括充当桥梁的 adb与模拟器或设备通信。

于 2012-01-11T12:48:33.880 回答

Android SDK 可以分解为几个组件。这些包括:

  1. 平台工具
  2. 构建工具
  3. SDK工具
  4. The Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
  5. Android Emulator

The most important parts of this package are in the SDK-tools. You will need these tools regardless of which version of Android you are targeting. These are what will actually create the APK – turning your code into an Android app that can be launched on a phone. These include a number of build tools, debugging tools, and image tools.

The Build tools were once categorized under the same heading as the Platform tools but have since been decoupled so that they can be updated separately. As the name suggests, these are also needed to build your Android apps (generating the final APK).

The Platform tools are more specifically suited to the version of Android that you want to target. Generally, it is best to install the latest Platform tools, after first installation though, you need to keep your Platform-tools constantly updated.

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a program that allows you to communicate with any Android device. It relies on Platform-tools in order to understand the Android version that is being used.

The Android emulator is what lets you test and monitor apps on a PC, without necessarily needing to have a device available.

For more info here

于 2021-10-29T13:23:46.987 回答


每次 Google 发布新版本的Android时,也会发布相应的Android SDK 。为了能够编写具有最新功能的程序,开发人员必须下载并安装 Android 版本的 SDK。

Android SDK分为 2 组:

  1. Android SDK 工具: Android SDK 工具是 Android SDK 的一个组件。它包括开发和调试工具,这些工具对于任何 Android 应用程序(或应用程序)开发都是必不可少的。如此完整的软件开发工具包,是开发Android应用程序(或应用程序)所需的。它的重要工具有Android SDK Manager、Android Virtual Device Manager、Android Emulator等。
  2. Android Platform Tools(或Android SDK Platform Tools): Android SDK Platform-Tools 是Android SDK 的一个组件。它经过定制以支持最新版本的 Android 的功能。每当我们安装新的 Android SDK 平台时,它都会更新。Android 平台工具的每次更新都是向后兼容的。Android 平台工具包括aidl、adb、aapt、dexdump 和dx。而这些工具大多被 ADT 和 Android 构建工具调用。所以很少需要直接调用这些工具。

注意: Android SDK 平台工具是 Android SDK 的一个组件,而不是 Android SDK 平台。Android SDK 平台工具只是通过更新 Android SDK 平台来更新。

于 2020-09-30T10:25:09.647 回答