I am intending to develop in the near future a web app for planning a route using my local public transportation system. I will be using Google Maps and I would like to hear some tips on how should I start planning this project for maximum efficiency (how should I store the stations, lines, times for each line, common stations etc, and also how to draw a route following roads - not just a straight line between two points). Thank you!
922 次
2 回答
有一种事实上的标准方法来编码和交换交通数据。许多公交机构正在以Google Transit Feed Spec格式发布他们的数据。您可以检查一下您的代理机构是否已经这样做了。还有一些用于处理 GTFS 的开源工具。例如:http ://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/
于 2012-01-10T21:37:25.230 回答
大都市区的公共交通,您可以使用 google maps api
如何通过 HTTP 服务器端请求获取 Google Maps Public Transit Directions
于 2012-01-10T20:35:25.660 回答