Perl 哈希允许您使用任何值作为值。C++ 作为一种静态类型的语言,它不会让你这样做:你必须准确地指定你希望散列中的值(用 C++ 术语,地图)具有什么类型。
这是使用 C++11 和 boost 的可能解决方案,其中包含一些强类型:)
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
// Coordinates are always like this, aren't they?
struct coords {
int x_loc;
int y_loc;
// Dimensions are always like this, aren't they?
struct dims {
int width;
int height;
// Sound maps: each string key maps to a vector of filenames
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> sound_map;
// Item lists: looks like it's just a collection of strings
typedef std::vector<std::string> item_list;
// Fancy names to improve readability
enum collidability : bool {
collidable = true,
not_collidable = false
// A structure to describe a game object
struct game_object {
// An optional position
boost::optional<coords> position;
// An optional rectangle size
boost::optional<dims> rect_size;
// Assuming "false" can mean the same as "no collidable key"
bool collidable;
// Assuming an "empty map" can mean the same as "no map"
sound_map sounds;
// Assuming an "empty vector" can mean the same as "no vector"
item_list items;
// If any of the above assumptions is wrong,
// sprinkle boost::optional liberally :)
// Finally, values for our "hash"
std::map<std::string, game_object> hash {
{ "game_object1",
coords { 43, 59 },
dims { 5, 3 },
collidable, // remember those fancy names?
sound_map {
{ "attack", { "player_attack.ogg" } },
{ "jump", { "player_attack.ogg" } },
{ "jump_random", { "player_jump1.ogg", "player_jump2.ogg", "player_jump3.ogg" } }
item_list {}
} },
{ "game_object2",
coords { 24, 72 },
dims { 2, 4 },
sound_map {
{ "attack", { "goblin_attack.ogg" } }
item_list { "sword", "helmet", "boots" }
} },
{ "game_object25",
boost::none, // no position
dims { 2, 4 },
sound_map {
{ "attack", { "goblin_attack.ogg" } }
item_list { "sword", "helmet", "boots" }
} }
If you really want something like a Perl hash of Perl hashes, you can use std::map<std::string, boost::any>
to get the ability to store anything in the map. However, this requires you to test for the types of every value before obtaining it from the map. If only a certain set of types is possible, you can use something more strongly-typed than boost::any
, like boost::variant