I created an application in Installshield 2012 using the BASIC MSI as a project type.

I have four prerequisites in this setup. All is working fine. But in case I uninstall any of the prerequisites from the control panel and then suppose I am going to uninstall the application at that time it gives me a dialog to install that prerequisite. but at the time of uninstalling the application, I don't want to check for prerequisite.

Please Help me to resolve this thing.


1 回答 1


您的 2012 年项目是否从以前版本的 InstallShield 升级?听起来您的 LaunchConditions 没有附加“或已安装”,并且它们正在重新评估。新的基本 MSI 项目在安装序列中的 LaunchConditions 上有一个条件,以防止它们在卸载期间进行评估,但听起来不像你的情况。

于 2012-01-09T11:46:54.150 回答