我正在使用 shiro 来保护我的 grails 应用程序,使用默认设置

grails shiro-quick-start

和自定义用户。到目前为止,所有控制器操作都受到保护,但是如果我将 URL 输入到 GSP 文件(例如 index.gsp),我不会收到登录提示。


 def filters = {
    all(uri: "/**") {
        before = {      

但看似 GSP-Files 与此 URI-Filter 不匹配。我必须使用什么 URI 过滤器?我正在使用 grails 1.3.7 和 shiro 插件 1.1.3


1 回答 1


very interesting, but seems to be a grails problem, not a shiro one.

I didn't manage to secure /object/view.gsp pages through the filters mechanism - it seems to be based on controller/action and since there is no controller involved...

But I did find another solution. Add the following line to your UrlMappings.groovy file

 "/$folder/${view}.gsp"(controller:'auth', action:'login') 

this will send your .gsp files through a controller.

于 2012-01-09T07:32:19.687 回答