this is one of my questions about unit testing.
I'm reading The Art Of Unit Testing and at chapter 3 the author shows how to remove dependency between one or more classes. That seems clear to me. What's not absolutely clear is the following point.
When I configure a test method with a stub, I configure it to return a specific value. Then I call the tested method exposed by the tested class. This method executes some logic and uses the return value of the stub. The problem is: if the stub is configured to return the wrong value my test will probably fail.
So the question is: when I use stubs, should I ALWAYS configure them to return the expected value? In my opininon this should be the correct way to test as if the stub return always the expected value I'm sure to test only the logic inside the tested method.
What do you think about this? Is there some case in which has some kind of sense to oblige the stub to return uncorrect values?
Thanks a lot, Marco