In Postgres, ANY and SOME are synonyms when used on the right hand side of a predicate expression. For example, these are the same:

column = ANY (SELECT ...)
column = SOME (SELECT ...)

This is documented here:


I have observed ANY and SOME to be supported by at least these SQL DBMSs:

  • DB2
  • Derby
  • H2
  • Ingres
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Postgres
  • SQL Server
  • Sybase ASE
  • Sybase SQL Anywhere

Can I safely assume that all of those dialects (and others, too) treat ANY and SOME as synonyms or is there a subtle difference between the two keywords in any/some DBMS?

I have found this in the SQL92 definition:

<quantifier> ::= <all> | <some>
<all> ::= ALL
<some> ::= SOME | ANY

This doesn't say anything about the semantics of ANY and SOME. Later on in the document, only <some> is referenced, not the two keywords. I'm suspecting that there might be a subtle difference in NULL handling, for instance, at least in some DBMSs. Any/some pointer to a clear statement whether this can be assumed or not is welcome.


1 回答 1


在您引用的几行之后,SQL92 标准还指定了 的语义<some>,即:

c) If the implied <comparison predicate> is true for at least
one row RT in T, then "R <comp op> <some> T" is true.

d) If T is empty or if the implied <comparison predicate> is
false for every row RT in T, then "R <comp op> <some> T" is

e) If "R <comp op> <quantifier> T" is neither true nor false,
then it is unknown.

这些规则适用于代<some>币,与它是 SOME 还是 ANY 替代无关,所以是的,根据标准,它们是同义词

于 2012-01-07T17:46:15.007 回答