我单击上传按钮时,给定运行时 silverlight , 然后什么也没有发生

适用于 html5 和 flash。我现在正在彻底测试,因为 IE 出现了 plupload flash 的错误(未设置容器,这吓坏了 IE。)为了确保没有更多的错误,我尝试将 silverlight 作为唯一的运行时进行测试,遗憾的是导致了这个无声错误。它在 FF、Mac 上的 chrome 或 Windows 上的 IE9 中都不起作用。

我正在使用 Backbone 和 coffeescript(Rails 3 应用程序)这就是我在class window.Uploader extends Backbone.View . 请记住,它使用 flash 和 html5 作为运行时:

initialize: (options) -> 
  @uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
    runtimes : 'silverlight,flash',  #'gears,html5,flash,silverlight,browserplus',
    browse_button : 'pickfiles',
    container: 'upload_container'
    max_file_size : '5mb',
    url : "/admin/upload",
    flash_swf_url : '/publiclib/plupload.flash.swf',
    silverlight_xap_url : '/publiclib/plupload.silverlight.xap',
    filters : [ {title: "#{filter_title} ", extensions : "#{filter_extentions}"}]
    multi_selection: that.multiple,
    multipart: true,
    multipart_params: {
      "authenticity_token" : FORM_AUTH_TOKEN
    file_data_name: 'photo'

  ###### THIS PRINTS SILVERLIGHT as runtime, in all browser I've tested for this Q
  ###### So it is used/detected, but not working
  @uploader.bind 'Init', (up, params) ->
    $('#filelist').html("<div>Current runtime: #{params.runtime} </div>")


setupBindings: ->
  #instantiates the uploader
  that = @

  # shows the progress bar and kicks off uploading
  @uploader.bind 'FilesAdded', (up, files) ->
    _.each files, (file) ->

      $('#filelist').append('<div id="' + file.id + '"><small>' + file.name + ' (' + plupload.formatSize(file.size) + ') </small><b></b>' + '<div class=" percent label notice" style="width:10%;"><span>Laster opp</span></div></div>')


  #binds progress to progress bar
  @uploader.bind 'UploadProgress', (uploader, file) ->
    # .. some upload code, not relevant to Q

这是我的 _form.html.erb(请原谅我不喜欢 haml)

<div id="upload_container" class="clearfix">
  <div class='input'>
    <div class='clearfix'>
      <%=activity_image @activity%>
    <%=link_to "Choose Picture", '#', :id => "pickfiles", :class => "btn small"%>
    <div class='clearfix' id='filelist'>


  <input id="activity_photo_id" name="activity[photo_id]" size="30" style="display:none;" type="text" />

 <legend>choose picture for upload</legend>
 <div id="upload_container" class="clearfix">

   <div class='input'>
     <div class='clearfix'>
       <img src='/assets/default_photo.png' id='image_preview'>
     <a href="#" class="btn small" id="pickfiles">Choose Picture</a> 
     <div class='clearfix' id='filelist'></div>




1 回答 1


根据您的样式,Plupload 结构可能会在您的容器中丢失(#upload_container)。尝试将 browse_button 元素包装到它自己的容器中,在屏幕上具有严格的位置。

Plupload 和 Backbone/CoffeeScript 之间可能存在一些冲突,因为它作为独立的东西在这里工作,刚刚测试过。您可以在某处在线展示您的使用案例吗?

于 2012-01-09T11:44:39.433 回答