using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
static class Program
static void Main()
var value1 = 1;
var value2 = 2;
var value3 = new { MyValue = 3 };
var data = new DataInfo { A = 10, B = 1, C = -1 };
Expression<Func<DataInfo, decimal?>> expression = x => x.A / (x.B + x.C) + (value1 + value2) + value3.MyValue;
// create a list of variables that will be used when evaluating the expression
var variables = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
// add the root object
variables.Add(data.GetType(), data);
// find variables that are referenced in the expression
var finder = new VariablesFinder(variables);
// replace variables with ConstantExpressions
var visitor = new VariableReplacer(variables);
var newExpression = visitor.Visit(expression);
var rulesChecker = new RulesChecker();
var checkedExpression = rulesChecker.Visit(newExpression);
internal class RulesChecker : ExpressionVisitor
protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node)
if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Divide)
var rightBinaryExpression = node.Right as BinaryExpression;
if (rightBinaryExpression != null)
node = node.Update(node.Left, node.Conversion, this.Execute(rightBinaryExpression));
return base.VisitBinary(node);
private Expression Execute(BinaryExpression node)
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(node);
dynamic func = lambda.Compile();
var result = func();
return Expression.Constant(result, result.GetType());
internal class VariableReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _variables;
public VariableReplacer(Dictionary<Type, object> variables)
this._variables = variables;
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
return this.HandleProperty(node) ??
this.HandleField(node) ??
private Expression HandleField(MemberExpression memberExpression)
var fieldInfo = memberExpression.Member as FieldInfo;
if (fieldInfo != null)
var value = fieldInfo.GetValue(this.GetVarialbe(fieldInfo));
return Expression.Constant(value, fieldInfo.FieldType);
return null;
private Expression HandleProperty(MemberExpression memberExpression)
var propertyInfo = memberExpression.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(this.GetVarialbe(propertyInfo), null);
return Expression.Constant(value, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
return null;
private object GetVarialbe(MemberInfo memberInfo)
return this._variables[memberInfo.DeclaringType];
internal class VariablesFinder : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _variables;
public VariablesFinder(Dictionary<Type, object> variables)
this._variables = variables;
protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node)
this.AddVariable(node.Type, node.Value);
return base.VisitConstant(node);
private void AddVariable(Type type, object value)
if (type.IsPrimitive)
if (this._variables.Keys.Contains(type))
this._variables.Add(type, value);
var fields = type.GetFields().Where(x => !x.FieldType.IsPrimitive).ToList();
foreach (var field in fields)
this.AddVariable(field.FieldType, field.GetValue(value));
class DataInfo
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public int C { get; set; }
public int D;