您根本不需要使用 Excel!在报告中使用 MS Access Charts 和一些 VBA 代码将它们直接放入 Powerpoint。这里已经有一个例子
一个“陷阱”是如果您在组中生成图表,即您使用组内的图表设计报告 - 因此当您运行报告时,您将创建大量图表。
获取这些图表中的每一个并将它们放入 Powerpoint 有点棘手,但这里有一些代码可以处理它。这适用于 Access 2003
'Loop through all the controls in this report and pickout all the graphs
For Each c In pReport.Controls
'Graphs initially appear to be in an Object Frame
If TypeOf c Is ObjectFrame Then
'Check the Class of the object to make sure its a Chart
If Left$(c.Class, 13) = "MSGraph.Chart" Then
'Check if this graph must be cloned (required if the graph is in a group in the MS Access report)
If Not IsGraphToBeCloned(pReport.Name, c.ControlName) Then
InsertGraphToPptSlide c, "", pReport.Name
InsertGraphGroupToPpt pReport.Name, c
End If
End If
End If
这将找到报告中的所有图表,如果图表在一个组中,那么我们调用 InsertGraphGroupToPPt 函数。
这里的诀窍是我们知道我们多次拥有相同的基本图 - 但填充了不同的数据。因此,在 Powerpoint 中,您需要将基础图粘贴到 powerpoint 幻灯片中 n 次 - 其中 n 是组数,然后更新图查询属性
Function UpdateGraphInPowerpoint(sql As String, OrigGraph As ObjectFrame, Groups As dao.Recordset, GroupName As String, ReportName As String) As Boolean
//Copyright Innova Associates Ltd, 2009
On Error GoTo ERR_CGFF
On Error GoTo ERR_CGFF
Dim oDataSheet As DataSheet
Dim Graph As Graph.Chart
Dim lRowCnt, lColCnt, lValue As Long, CGFF_FldCnt As Integer
Dim CGFF_Rs As dao.Recordset
Dim CGFF_field As dao.Field
Dim CGFF_PwrPntloaded As Boolean
Dim lheight, lwidth, LLeft, lTop As Single
Dim slidenum As Integer
Dim GraphSQL As String
Dim lGrpPos As Long
'Loop thru groups
Do While Not Groups.EOF
'We want content to be added to the end of the presentation - so find out how many slides we already have
slidenum = gPwrPntPres.Slides.Count
OrigGraph.Action = acOLECopy 'Copy to clipboard
slidenum = slidenum + 1 'Increment the Ppt slide number
gPwrPntPres.Slides.Add slidenum, ppLayoutTitleOnly 'Add a Ppt slide
'On Error Resume Next 'Ignore errors related to Graph caption
gPwrPntPres.Slides(slidenum).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ReportName & vbCrLf & "(" & Groups.Fields(0).Value & ")" 'Set slide title to match graph title
gPwrPntPres.Slides(slidenum).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 16
gPwrPntPres.Slides(slidenum).Shapes.Paste 'Paste graph into ppt from clipboard
Set Graph = gPwrPntPres.Slides(slidenum).Shapes(2).OLEFormat.Object
Set oDataSheet = Graph.Application.DataSheet ' Set the reference to the datasheet collection.
oDataSheet.Cells.Clear ' Clear the datasheet.
GraphSQL = Replace(sql, "<%WHERE%>", " where " & GroupName & " = '" & Groups.Fields(0).Value & "'")
Set CGFF_Rs = ExecQuery(GraphSQL)
CGFF_FldCnt = 1
' Loop through the fields collection and get the field names.
For Each CGFF_field In CGFF_Rs.Fields
oDataSheet.Cells(1, CGFF_FldCnt).Value = CGFF_Rs.Fields(CGFF_FldCnt - 1).Name
CGFF_FldCnt = CGFF_FldCnt + 1
Next CGFF_field
lRowCnt = 2
' Loop through the recordset.
Do While Not CGFF_Rs.EOF
CGFF_FldCnt = 1
' Put the values for the fields in the datasheet.
For Each CGFF_field In CGFF_Rs.Fields
oDataSheet.Cells(lRowCnt, CGFF_FldCnt).Value = IIf(IsNull(CGFF_field.Value), "", CGFF_field.Value)
CGFF_FldCnt = CGFF_FldCnt + 1
Next CGFF_field
lRowCnt = lRowCnt + 1
' Update the graph.
UpdateGraphInPowerpoint = True
Exit Function
End Function