I am trying to create a small example of how to exchange objects using calbacks, but I am experiencing some problems.

  1. When server creates and broadcasts objects, some clients callback connections are closed randomly with time (sometimes after server has sent like 100.000 objects, sometimes after 100 even less).
  2. When a client calls a server method to broadcasts an object, it happens offten that the client connection to the server is closed. All this is stopping me from converting my current project to a real client server one. Here is my source, including the executables for both server and client: DataSnapExample.rar

P.S. I have tried Mat DeLong's Monitoring demo, I've put a ttimer on server's main form, that calls the broadcast message menu event, and result was same - after sending messages for a while, some clients are disconnected. I'm afraid this happens because of a client-server bug in Delphi XE2 Datasnap. Here is the demo: DataSnap XE2 - Unified Connection Monitoring Sample Component

Can someone tell me if it is my fault or not? Thanks...


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