根据您的评论和问题编辑编辑答案。运行总和存储在一个名为 $sum 的数组中,其中“单词”的键值将存储其运行总和的值。例如$sum['wake'] 将存储单词wake 的运行总和等等。
$sum = array();
foreach($wordlist as $word) //Loop through each word in wordlist
// Getting the value for the word by matching pattern.
//The number value for each word is stored in an array $word_values, where the key is the word and value is the value for that word.
// The word is got by matching upto '#'. The first parenthesis matches the word - (\w+)
//The word is followed by #, single digit(\d), multiple spaces(\s+), then the number value(\S+ matches the rest of the non-space characters)
//The second parenthesis matches the number value for the word
preg_match('/(\w+)#\d\s+(\S+)/', $word, $match);
$word_ref = $match[1];
$word_ref_number = $match[2];
$word_values["$word_ref"] = $word_ref_number;
//Assuming $sentence_array to store the array of words used in your string example {"Jumping", "jacks", "wake", "me", "up", "in", "the", "morning"}
foreach ($sentence_array as $word)
if (!array_key_exists("$word", $sum)) $sum["$word"] = 0;
$sum["$word"] += $word_values["$word"];