I am using Distributed Objects (DO) in Objective-C. I have a "server" object that I have vended on the network. Other objects on the network have a proxy to my server object and can thus call methods on the server object. However, can I determine any information about the objects that are calling methods on the server object? That is, I have many "client" objects that can call the server and I would like to distinguish these objects. Also, can I determine other attributes about these objects, e.g., host name, unique identifier?
147 次
2 回答
我发现解决这个问题最有效的方法是显式传递对调用对象的引用,例如方法的第一个参数。这样,调用对象可以很容易地被识别,甚至在必要时回调。结果参数的类型为NSDistantObject *
于 2012-02-29T08:06:05.320 回答
NSConnection* clientConnection = [passedTokenObject connectionForProxy];
这将使您掌握连接的句柄,这对于每个客户端都是唯一的。您能否获得所需的信息取决于 Apple 允许您使用该连接对象做什么。
另一件可能有用的事情是成为用于出售服务器对象的 NSConnection 的 NSConnectionDelegate。这将使您可以访问这些方法:
- (BOOL)connection:(NSConnection *)parentConnection shouldMakeNewConnection:(NSConnection *)newConnnection {
// You can inspect new connection being established here and maybe glean info about the client
return YES;
- (BOOL) connection:(NSConnection *)c handleRequest:(NSDistantObjectRequest*)doReq {
// You get to see every method that is invoked here and can maybe glean info that you need.
// Returning NO means you're just snooping on the call and it will be handled in the normal way.
return NO;
我发现可用的“工具”还不够,我需要重新设计我出售的 API 以帮助提供我需要的信息。
于 2012-01-07T18:09:09.487 回答