I need to create a PPP connection over a serial port between an embedded device running Windows CE 6 and a PC running Windows 7.
I've configured a dial-up modem on Windows 7 according to this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7085259/512910
I used a terminal app on the CE device to confirm that attempting a connection sends the string "CLIENT".
I've also created a direct connection interface on the CE device, and used a terminal app to confirm that attempting a connection also sends the string "CLIENT" to the Windows 7 machine.
Unfortunately, neither side actually responds, and I'm not sure what the problem is.
What am I missing here? Is there a way to make either side listen for an incoming connection?
-------------------------------- Edit 1/12/12 ----------------------------------
I needed to add an incoming connection on the Windows 7 side. However, the connection doesn't appear to work, and times out after 90 seconds.
Here is my modem log.
01-09-2012 19:06:29.542 - Recv: CLIENT
01-09-2012 19:06:29.542 - Interpreted response: Ring
01-09-2012 19:06:29.542 - TSP Completing Async Operation(0x00010227) Status 0x00000000
01-09-2012 19:06:29.542 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING(0x1)
01-09-2012 19:06:29.542 - TSP(0000): Answering Call
01-09-2012 19:06:29.542 - Answering the call.
01-09-2012 19:06:29.557 - Send: CLIENTSERVER
01-09-2012 19:06:29.557 - Connection established at 115200bps.
01-09-2012 19:06:29.557 - Error-control off or unknown.
01-09-2012 19:06:29.557 - Data compression off or unknown.
01-09-2012 19:06:29.557 - TSP Completing Async Operation(0x0001029e) Status 0x00000000
01-09-2012 19:06:29.557 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED
01-09-2012 19:06:59.572 - Read: Total: 388, Per/Sec: 12, Written: Total: 12, Per/Sec: 0
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP(0000): Dropping Call
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - Hanging up the modem.
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - Hardware hangup by lowering DTR.
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - Initializing modem.
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - Waiting for a call.
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED(0x1)
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_IDLE
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP Completing Async Operation(0x0001027c) Status 0x00000000
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP(0000): Dropping Call
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP Completing Async Operation(0x000101e3) Status 0x00000000
01-09-2012 19:08:30.208 - TSP(0000): Closing Call