
数组大小为 20,此代码仅填充 12 甚至更少

  float[] rmsData;

    public void spektrsw(int barrcount, bool lefton, out float[] spectrumData)
       spectrumData = new float[barrcount]; 
             //defining array in which will  be spectrum data
        if (isPlaying) //check if sound is playing
            int lenght = (int)Bass.BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(ActiveStreamHandle, 1.0); //gets and sets lenght
            int rmsDataArraySize = Math.Abs(lenght / 4); 
              //calculating FFT data or RMS array size 
            if (rmsData == null || rmsData.Length < rmsDataArraySize)
                 rmsData = new float[rmsDataArraySize]; 
                    //defining new array if old one has lenght smaler

            lenght = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetData(ActiveStreamHandle, rmsData, lenght); //geting lenght FFT data
            rmsDataArraySize = lenght / 4; //calculating FFT data or RMS array size 

            int times = (int)(rmsDataArraySize / (barrcount * 2)) + 1; 
   //calculating how many times loop will continue until the loop will go to next index

            int index = 0; 
   // creating index variable which will point to an element in array

            for (int counter = 0; counter < rmsDataArraySize; counter++)

                if (counter % 2 == 0 || counter == 0) //For left channel
                   if(lefton) //which channel am i analysing
                    spectrumData[index] = spectrumData[index] +  Math.Abs(rmsData[counter]);
                    //adding data to array
                    if (!lefton) //which channel am i analysing
                        spectrumData[index] = spectrumData[index] + Math.Abs(rmsData[counter]);
                    //adding data to array

                if (counter == times) //check to see if index needs to be increased

                    spectrumData[index] = spectrumData[index] / times;
                    //this is for calculating avarege in one bar since
                    //I combined lots of data in one bar

                    spectrumData[index] = spectrumData[index] * 1000f;

                    index++;//increasing index
                    times = times + counter;



  1. 我做得对吗?
  2. 为什么它不返回所有值?
  3. 获取所需数据的最简单方法是什么?




我发现 if 语句或我计算 Times 的方式是错误的:-(

因此,如果您对如何将数据从 4000 个元素的数组获取到 20 个元素的数组有更好的想法,如果您在此处发布您的建议,我会很高兴。


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