我使用 Jbehave 作为我的 BDD 框架。我正在寻找一种从文本场景中自动生成候选步骤方法存根的方法,例如
Given there is a flight
And there is a customer
When the customer books the flight
Then the customer is shown on the manifest
<@> Given("there is a flight")
<a@> Pending
public void thereIsAFlight() {
<@> Given("there is a customer") // note 'Given', even though story line is 'And'
<@> Pending
public void thereIsACustomer() {
<@> When("the customer books the flight")
<@> Pending
public void theCustomerBooksTheFlight() {
<@> Then("the customer is shown on the flight manifest")
<@> Pending
public void thenTheCustomerIsShownOnTheFlightManifest() {
JBehave 是否将其作为隐式功能提供或人们使用某些 IDE 插件?我将非常感谢这里的任何帮助。